Viewing profile - Shane Michael

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Shane Michael
Shane Michael
Character Race:
Human (23)
In the Red Dragon Inn or at Harvey's Tailor Shop in the Marketplace
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Tailor, Owner of 'Keeping You in Stitches'
Shane was already tall but his loose shirts accentuated it. With a lean build and callous hands, he bore the signs of a man who works. When he laughed, his blue eyes laughed. His dark auburn hair was messy and the tips of his bangs sometimes grew long enough to get in his eyes. Long, deep dimples announced his smile on with the quite-nearly permanent five o'clock shadow.
He'd come to Rhydin from Ireland, somewhere in his voice there was still the sound of a poor Irish boy. He had once written a paper but he didn't have the time for it, not with the tailor shop demanding so much of his attention. When he wasn't working or with his fiance, he would occasionally linger at the bar with a grin, making new friends and sparking lively conversation. Shane liked a good joke or two amongst friends.

(( For clothing items currently on sale, they are listed in his inventory. Click on his inventory to read their description. ))

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Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:10 pm
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