Viewing profile - Sorcha Merora

Sorcha Merora
Sorcha Merora
Character Race:
Anywhere, Everywhere
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Shipyard Worker
At 5'9" and barely 120 pounds (probably including her huge cloak and all the stuff in her pockets), Sorcha is hardly an imposing figure. Her skin is fair, her hair a deep violet, and her eyes are always covered by a pair of reflective glasses.

If one had to guess, she's somewhere in the neighborhood of 20, but it's not always easy to tell by her demeanor.

She mostly wears blue and black work clothes, sometimes a bit stained with oil or random things that came out of a supply crate when they weren't supposed to. Over it all is a big fur-lined cloak that was obviously made for a much bigger person. She has to hold it up to keep it from dragging on the floor. Somehow, that big black cloak always manages to stay clean.

Sorcha carries no obvious weapons, but she does have a strange snake-like electronic device with several screens wrapped around her left arm, and quite a few pockets full of god-knows-what.
She doesn't seem to have any particularly special skills apart from excellent math, a decent grasp on physics, and the workings of ships - of both the sea and space variety.

It does seem odd, however, that almost no magic whatsoever seems to affect her.

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Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:22 pm
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