Viewing profile - Haythem

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Haythem (Hay-th-mm) Vane
Character Race:
On the sea or at the dock, either one.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Pirate, though it isn't something he runs about shouting at the top of his lungs.
Haythem is clearly of Spanish or Caribbean decent and his dark smooth tan skin is the calling card of just that. Built in a way that shows he has had a life of fighting the sea and building muscle from the strenuous effort put into fighting the sails he has come to be quite the strong man physically. Dreads either falling free or tied back and leather clothing worn on his ship.

Haythem is a man that knows what he wants and when he wants it and that applies to everything including himself. When he wants to be lavish and attractive he is just that, when he wants to be plain and blend he will just as well be just that. Your every day pirate with little to no extra skills beyond what a life of plunder and battle has taught him.

On his hip he wears the tools of his trade with pride, a french officer's sword he took from his first plunder as a captain and two flint lock pistols tightly clinging to his thighs. A deadly man who prowled the open seas once upon a time.
At the moment nothing beyond sword skills and a comprehensive use of gunpowder and flint weapons, some small explosives knowledge and a silver tongue. Beyond those he has nothing but his ship. And with that ship some of the best know how on navigating that ship one can ever witness.

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Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:05 am
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Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:56 am
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