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Horam JakChar
Horam "Gorespear" Jak'Char
Character Race:
Krynnish Minotaur
Rhy'din docks; The Salty Dog inn or on his ship, the newly christened 'Sargas Revenge'.
Admiral to House Helston and hooker of fuzzy arm pats. (credit to Kitty)

Death would have been honorable. But no. They denied him even that.

He had been someone, once. A hero even. One out of a bare handful that had survived the battle upon the Karthian Sea against the ogre pirate king, promoted to First Lieutenant within the Imperial Navy and sent on his way to what many thought would be a path to someday being admiral. Perhaps even the Emperor himself.

Which is why it came to a great shock to the Minotaur nation when Horam was bound in chains normally reserved for some of the lethal creatures brought into the Great Circus itself and marched down the streets of the capital, covered in blood past the aghast onlookers. The travesty that had transpired that night was not known yet, but somehow the truth began to circulate and words were ushered in disgust and disbelief.

"Kin slayer."

Almost twenty years had passed, a life spent not only reviled by his own kind but an outcast among the humans, elves and other creatures that were unaccustomed to his race. From a life of fame and glory to now having to make ends meet by taking odd jobs from those that saw the bull barely less of a monster than those beasts that he had been hired to kill.
Among the varied races within Krynn, perhaps the most mysterious of civilizations would belong to that of the Minotaurs. Rarely were strangers welcomed within their lands, and just as rare was it for them to travel among the populace of the "lesser" races. As always, there were exceptions.

An eight foot frame was covered in short, crimson fur that veiled the tough hide beneath with only the dressings of a large plaid kilt to simplify for an outfit. Every muscle rippled and bulged, some alone being almost as thick as a mans waist. Strict doctrine of war and sailing kept the Minotaur race in prime fitness for battle and other hardy work they employed.

The bovine head did indeed resemble a bull, with two ivory horns curled at those wicked tips and a thick, shaggy mane of red and brown around the thick skull that could have easily as belonged to a lion with its resemblance.
What was noted out of place from the darkly brooding and bestial appearance was the black eye-patch that hid scarred flesh beneath while its twin of dark ruby was set deep within its socket expressed enough intelligence to avoid the moniker of Monster.

These days the Minotaur has settled down with a steady occupation of being the admiral to House Helston's shipping fleet. A task made more difficult due to the ongoing pirate attacks.

Recently Horam has been gifted with a truly precious gift: a sword. Not just any sword, but one forged by the talented Izumi Takamine. The dai-katana was of the appropriate size for such a beast as the Minotaur with its sheath lacquered in flame maple and a hilt wrapped with beige silk. Someday the bull may even learn how to properly use such a powerful blade.

((Character may be mean and anti-social but the player isn't!))

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