Viewing profile - Phinn

My name's not Zynn! It's Seraphinna or Phinn if you must...
Character Race:
Wouldn't you like to know?
All female, sugar.
Something professional I'm sure.
Here's a trade secret for ya. I can be pretty and I can be 'pretty' ugly. Depends on what mood I'm in at the moment. But! Over all I'm actually pretty fine. That is, with or without my glamour.

There are a few things that make me stand out above all the rest though! First off is the four horns on my head, two small ones in front and right above my brow and then the curved ones just a touch behind them. On top of that, my ears are pointed in long, sleek tips. The final bit of uniqueness comes with the teeny, tiny fangs tucked behind my strawberry plush lips.

I do have 'mundane' features too ya know! Going from the top of my head with its dark black locks, which go down to the middle of my back and usually kept in a long braid, all the way down my pale figure to those nearly perfect feet. I have green eyes, that are shockingly similar to, well, my sisters, except for they reveal a bit of the humanity that resides within me. When I smile my cheeks do this dimple thing, that many tend to find rather charming, or is it alarming? My chin is a smooth, almost flawless model point. And the rest of me, well that's just as slim and curvaceous as it could possibly get. Va va voom baby.

I'm a fan of neon colors on a plain of black. Jeans are usually the way to go with me, and well sneekers that generally match my sense of fashion. There's usually a big belt at my hips and an assortment of bangles around my wrists. That and you can expect that there will be some sort of adornment on my fingers, ears, and neck. I think humans call it Bling, cept I'm not as flashy.

As far as age and all that jazz? I'm 19 dude, so don't get all creeper on me with the Q & A, some things about me are better left a mystery. Sheesh.
Some things are just better off unknown, but rest assured, I have a few tricks up my sleeves. Prooommisseee.

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Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:43 pm
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