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Tyr (Tear or Tie-ear he likes tear though)
Character Race:
Trust me... He is by far hard to miss.
Does eating things count? He was a druid.
He is a rather unimposing sort of man of twenty five when he is just wandering around. 6'3, dark tanned skin with multiple tattoos of different meaning and origin, long gray black hair that reaches his mid back and burgundy eyes. Wrapped in animal skins and fur he looks so very uneducated. And please for all that is holy and good do NOT cut on a light around him out of the blue... He will wig out. Electricity scares this savage beyond anything else.

In his other form... his... It is just something you have to see. If a character has never seen a tyrannosaurus it might be fun to see this 'rare dragon' in action.... Though it is terrifying to really think about. An evolved T-rex... That is awful.

A massive predator and the terror of the plains, the monster's hide is of the leathery sort, grey and black with black and white tipped feathers lining his back, arms and the tip of his tail. To be completely honest he could be confused for a dragon of sorts since he does have the reptilian features of one. But to be honest dragons are like majestic and noble, graceful and strong or whatever... He is simply terrifying and monstrous.

Through evolution his body is rather large even when compared to the tyrannosaurus we know of today. At forty six foot long and twenty eight foot tall he out sizes the tyrannosaur information of earth we found over the years. With a six foot long jaw and heavy skull to the rather small arms that... really have zero use, he is the ultimate predator of his home world and the ire of his people. Probably why he was exiled when they found out he was a shifter of tyrant. to bad too... they where wiped out by one not even a year later.
He is a master hunter if that helps him any... being the size his shift takes him to he can't really do it indoors or on something fragile... being over twelve tons in size tends to break things when you stand on them. Other than that he is a T-rex essentially. A monster. Shouldn't have to describe why.

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