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The Game
Dani California
Character Race:
Human duh!
I has girl parts.
Right in front of you!
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Cali back on Earth yo.
Gamer though currently working in Helix's thrift shop.
Dani was your typical human girl. She stood about five foot only being taller if she wore heels or wedges. Small pixie like thing if you will. Her frame being of that a woman who had enough curves to be able to tell she was a female but nothing too spectacular. She wasn't heavy set by any means nor was she just skin and bones. Just that average frame that didn't stand out. Due to a recent change her hair is more red than pink with the ends dyed black. Some trick of the Nexus and those brown hues were now a pale gray which turned green or blue depending upon her mood and the light. Plump pale pink lips always held a smile as if she was ready to burst out laughing at everything around her. Soft silky milky white skin that suggested she didn't get too much sun.

Most of the time you could see her wearing fabrics of vinyl, fishnet, leather, ruffles, or whatever strikes her mood. Patterns of stripes, plaid, and checkered. Jewelry of spiked collars, rubber bracelets, or studs. Jewelry colors ranging from black to pink to silver. Converse, Vans, Doc Martens, or boots whatever shoes she shoved her feet into when she ran out of the door. Pants, skirts, stockings, tank tops, t-shirts, jeans...Whatever struck her fancy at the moment.

Having spent most of her life behind a computer monitor or a television screen she isn't used to social interactions with the male species. Suffice to say if anyone she deems handsome talks to her she becomes socially awkward penguin. Not making eye contact, staring down at the toes of her shoes, and fumbling over her words. Her cheeks will also remain a constant shade of pink to match her hair. But she's perfectly fine when talking to females. Oh and if you've managed to convince her to drink some booze she breaks out of her shell.

{Currently working on updating gimme some time peoples! :D}
Now here's the funny thing you would think being unremarkable as she is she wouldn't have any skills. Well now that's where you're wrong. Her skillz lie mostly with gaming. That's right...Gaming. Challenge her to any game on any system and get ready to get pummeled. Completely ruthless when it comes to the gaming world she made quite a name for herself on Earth as a professional gamer. But here in Rhy'Din she's keeping her reputation strong by eliminating anyone who comes her way.

Addicted to video games, coffee, cloves, and cigarettes. Most of the time you'll see her carrying around either a Nintendo DS or a Sony PSP out in public. Don't be surprised when she asks you if you want to see her high scores.

She's also made it known she loves to tinker around with computers and video game consoles. She knows them inside and out. Hardware and software wise. Come to her for all of your technical troubleshooting needs!

Current relationship status? As of January 18th, 2014 she said yes to becoming the future Mrs. Dani Chae. Her engagement ring is a silver band with a gorgeous diamond on it.

{Please note this character will make references to video games, anime, and Interwebz memes. If your character's looks happen to be based off of an anime/video game character she'll comment on your awesome cosplay. :D}

{Also I'm up for any SL ideas or any kind of RP. I has been doing this for a while so def not a newb. Send me a ping in chat or a PM if you're interested in starting a SL or whatever! :) }

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Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:55 pm
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Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:00 pm
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"We can create anything" she said
"I'll be your queen you be my king."
"Show this world what we have to say,
Hold my hand and let's blow them away."