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Ayandarielle Eyldorn
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Place of Origin:
Emerald Jungles of Lylleth
The woods spoke a name not mentioned to most. A name that was sang when summer did rise after the fall of spring. The name was Ayandarielle Eyldorn Nicknamed "Swift"

Vivacious hips caper to the rhythm of a sacred tune as the tall wood land elf made her tread with very insufficient evidence that she was anyplace at all. Eyes of pale blue echoed the visions of a life still captured by the lure of nature's touch. The druid was well tuned to the ways of her world, and she wore the colors of nature since most of her life revolved around the land itself.

Sensations of life were felt, and passed throughout her lively veins. Large eyes often reflected a hundred covetable thoughts of a minds imagination as they stared intently forward always full of something alive. In response to such a mind's reflection, that nectarous mouth of petal pink coloring would weave it's silent smile in place. It knew a secret, and was not going to tell. Delightful sound echoed from the joyous ways of the female, and around her hips swirls of fabric clung close to the well crafted figure. She seemed always happy, and content, but further things did lurk beneath the surface of sun kissed features framed by dark strands of hair. Yet, unlike her mother , she did not have an odd arrangement of multi-colored pieces mixed within her braids at all.

Atramentous (Dark) hair billowed wildly in free motion, and often did not still even as bewitching tones played in relaxing melodies that only her mind could understand. A well crafted staff was always with her, seeming to be apart of her very being. Often times she could be heard, or seen preforming rituals to nature's call. These are some of the most important understandings she had come to know. To give thanks for what was taken, and to offer service in return to the callings of the winds. Though, she did not expect any other to really understand, and did not push for it, either.

Sometimes one of her little animals were with her, but the elf never really felt as if she were alone. She stood tall compared to some, and had a strong sense of awareness. To one such as she time was always moving, and life was never still.
Fade to environment, animal speak, herbalist, devotion to nature.

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:39 pm
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