Viewing profile - Hua zhu

Hua zhu
Hua Zhu
Character Race:
Was once Human...
... You don't want to find me
Born of peasants and the eldest of 3 children, she was no match for the bandits that decided to target the village late one night.

The girls had suffered much at the hands of her captors. She watched as they slaughter her family including the baby. She was left for dead as the bandits moved on.

A week later, the Zhou Army found those same bandits dead in their camp. No one could explain what happened and the carnage was attributed to villagers seeking revenge.

They did not know of the woman that now stalked the lands, protecting the innocent.

After about a century of wandering, she came upon a monastery. There she found a measure of peace for a time. She learned their ways, even accepting their brands when she mastered their fighting.

They were Shao'lin...

That peace ended with the coming of the armies. The temple was razed while she slept and the monks murdered...

Adrift, she couldn't even seek retribution for the monks. She made her way towards Greece and the city that worshipped the Goddess that changed her.

It was there she met Acheron again...

She does not believe in mercy for those that do wrong. The only patience she has is for the innocence of a child...

She is the healer when needed and the killer as called for. As one of the Dogs of War, she has no concept of mercy for those that follow Strykerius...
Dark Hunter Powers:

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Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:24 pm
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Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:25 pm
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Even the devil may cry when he looks around hell and realizes that he's there alone. ~ Acheron