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Delvin C
Delvin /last name unknown/
Character Race:
Rhydin..a bit lost
His talent is with the forge
Height: 4' 8"

Weight: 100lbs

Hair: blonde

Eyes: Crystal Grey

Build: Slight but sturdy

Disposition: not very social unless he is familiar with some one.

Attire: Just about anything that can stand up to the heat of a forge.

From first glance he seems to be normal aside from the fact that he rarely speaks. It isn't until some one tries to make eye contact, or upsets him does his oddness come out.

Due to his behavior most think he is a patient that had escaped from a facility that house crazies but that is where most folks are wrong as he has wandered the streets and such for several years.

Delvin is autistic. How he got to Rhydin or how he continues to live within the city gates is a mystery as he does not work nor do any offer him work aside from what he can do in forges...if people would let him that is.

It is his talent that what makes Delvin stand out to the more observant people. He is at home in a forge, so much that he is able to work any metals, gems, etc to include the ability to hone blades to a razor's edge without losing the strength of the blade. Needless to say when folks actually pay attention to what he can due his gifts are valuable.

Unfortunately they are often abused by those who know they can get away with it. Such is the case with his current state. He had a forge, a group of individuals knew it, they had him work night and day for them, then when he was done they destroyed Delvin's forge.

The elf has wandered ever since, bolstered by individuals who knew him for his work only to offer a meal or a bed every now and then.
Delvin is a Savante with forge work. Any metal, armor, etc, he can work it. He was never taught this ability, simply started. For him it is quiet time in spite of the noise within the forge. His mind settles when he works on weapons and the like. The more detailed the better the work.

Delvin carries a simple dagger with him at all times and has some ability to defend himself, especially if some one corners him. Never corner him. Ever.

(a bit of OOC Info: I am a PG-13 player. Anything beyond that i will not do. Please respect that.)

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