Viewing profile - Soft as a Whisper

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Soft as a Whisper
Character Race:
Fae or Nymph (Siren) however you call what she looks like.
Red Dragon Inn
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Festivities! Clerk at Kitty's Dock Side Costume Shop.
Age: 19
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 115lbs
Hair Color: Brown with green tips
Eye Color: Forest Green
Ears: They're small and pointed, but very sensitive.
Skin Tone: Warm Caramel
Scars/Marks: Teeth like scars span over her left side and up along her back.
Tattoos: Tribal tattoos run the course of her spine.

Whisper is an observer at first, but when she feels comfortable in the element that surrounds her she breaks into a completely different character. Her smile is bright, infectious. Her laugh is heart warming, and most have said that it's like listening to a symphony. Her eyes are big, bright green with golden hints in them. Most of her features show that she's a beach baby, someone who favors the sun's rays and the warm beaches.

She's not used to the cold and has never seen snow or falling leaves. The fact that she has to bundle up, will perhaps cause her some discomfort. Whisper is used to showing skin, letting herself be exposed from head to toe as best as she can. Because of this, she's a well built, athletic creature that not only maintains her shape through conventional methods, but also by exploring, dancing, and generally keeping an active mindset.

Theme Song: LMFAO- Party Rock Anthem

Daily Attire: (Is usually updated on a day to day basis.)

Due to her parentage, she has quite the voice, however, she doesn't like to use that power to gain power, friends, or lovers. Instead, she 'tones' down her voice, removing all intoxicating power, just so that she can entertain and enjoy other's company as they enjoy hers.

She's quite emphatic and sensitive to other's emotions and feelings. This can lead her to get confused at times, even though she has emotional barriers to protect herself and hell her determine what's her and what's someone else's emotional state.

Whisper is crafty, be it with a camera or with pastels or paints. She holds an artistic eye, finding beauty in as many things as she can. This can cause her to have a positive outlook and over look the sad that can often over take large areas such as Rhy'din.

Other than that, Whisper is a learner. She will explore and expand her horizons with a quick mind. If she has a good teacher, she learns well and quickly. She's not afraid to try and try again until she gets something right. In this case she's a determined individual with a good heart, but her willingness to trust others has made her very prone to getting hurt. Yet, time after time, she can over come and push past the pain towards a better life.

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