Viewing profile - Lesinda

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Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Lesinda Loa Acloth. She goes by 'Les'
Character Race:
Human, but also a Vampire. she doesn't like to tell.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
She keeps quiet on that.
She stands at 5'6" and makes every inch count, seeming sometimes taller than she is. At the age of just 18, and having rarely left the Coven ground of Bristle Crios, she is some what naive of the world around her.

After a test and the integration of an elemental, she now has a body temperature of around 24C ((About 75F. Average human body temp. is about 98.6°F (37°C)))

Her once blond hair is now dyed a shade of green, and sits no higher than shoulder length, but she likes it like that and has is styled nicely.

Golden eyes have shifted. She has tasted 'human' blood and now, the gold is a deep, dark, Blood Red.

Now she can be found wearing more form fitting cloths, dresses, skirts. Typically found wearing a shirt and blazer over the top of a shirt, sometimes a vest as well. She'll go with the blazer done up, and other times open, the weather doesn't really affect her so it's normally a matter of preference or absent mindedness.
Her skirt ends at the knees and the tops of stocking disappear beneath the skirt, hiding her very pale legs. Black, buckled shoes finish her attire. Corsets that flow with her movements and accentuate her curves will often be worn as well.


Lesinda has aquired several items that hold great importance to her.
On her ear a Kirn Instituition ear cuff sits, symbolyzing her membership and tutelage under one Khoom Helston.

The bold and emblazoned H of her Helston signet ring glinted on one finger over from her ring finger which had been gifted to her by the one and only Kitty Helston herself marked the vampiress a member of that house, her second adoptive amily that Les held dear.

On that same finger a white gold ring with a red rose that perfectly matched Lesinda's eyes, small diamonds scattered generously across the detailing that was given as both a promise, and show of love, Lesinda wore Mira's engagement ring as a sign she was a piece of Les' heart now.

Around her neck, Les wears a band of leather, the clasp appearing to be a ring, held in place by two dragon's heads on either side, gripping the ring in their maws. The exact mechanism to remove the chocker isnt obvious but presumably the ring either splits or one of the dragon's maws open to release the ring.

Sitting on her index finger, Les wore a black onyx ring with a red petal rose and diamond centred within. Given to her by the only other person Les had ever loved before Mira.
She is skilled in fire magic, able to manipulate it and form it.

She of course, also carries the skills of a vampire. Supernatural hearing, speed and eyesight along with other things.
Empathic, she can sense, and block, emotions in others. As well as shield her own.

She is currently a student of Khoom Helston's. Exactly what she'll learn, she isn't sure but it seems like fun and she knows, it's helping greatly with her day-to-day fight to re-build her confidence.
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