Viewing profile - GentleRestraint

Kuori Helston
Character Race:
That should be quite clear
Wandering or working at the docks.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Head of Security for Helston Holdings
Not too tall really for her people. Standing on the shorter end of the spectrum at a hair over seven feet. She is extremely muscular but not in an unappealing way. Her arms and legs are heavily muscled from an outdoor life upon Thundercrag Mountain. Kuori displays her heritage proudly. Lithoderms, small protrusions of bone and rock, speckle her light gray skin along the arms, shoulders and brow. Her hair once a heavy black now gleams a fiery red thanks to the trickery of an evil gnome thinking himself clever!

Where it is disgraceful to wear tattoos as other cultures may, Goliaths prefer to embed gems into the larger lithoderms upon their bodies. Three precious stones adorn her shield arm, a ruby, a sapphire, and for the keen, a pure opal.

Like most Goliaths she wears little covering, completely comfortable in her natural skin, however covers her ample torso to accommodate more modest races and covers her loins in a long skirt that extends to her knees. Boots of sturdy leather grip her legs clear to the calves, little bits and bobs on them as trophies from past combat. Recently Kitty Helston has begun introducing her to a strange ritual called Shopping.

Weapon of choice being the large warmace idly bouncing on her hip and the simple round shield slung across her back.

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:04 pm
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