Viewing profile - Joey Masters

Joey Masters
Joseph Michael Masters
Character Race:
What you think?
::Checks his chest:: Nope nuthin
::a sigh::lets just keep it to working at Ariana's bakery deliverin' stuff. Andy ain't here no more.
Didn't I just answer that?
Height: 6' even

Weight: 190lbs

Build: Rail thin with a bit of meat. And yes I eat dangit!

Eye color: Deep blue

Hair color: Thanks to Rhydin...everything's electric blue. And yes even that....and that.

Don't ask me about if I'm taken. Just consider me dangerous t'be around and leave it at that. I don' want to have anything to happen to anyone else that might get closed to me.

Attire: Mostly anything I wear just sorta hangs off of me...too tall for medium stuff, too skinny for extra large, you get the picture. Teeshirts, jeans or cargo pants, field jackets. Trusty ipod...and combat boots. Anything else is just isn't worth my time. Including that stupid suit. Just don't tell Andy I said that.

Y'asking about my right ear? Well if you shout in it I'm not gonna hear you. I'm deaf in that ear and it's a mangled mess so don't try to fix it. I've had a bunch of folks ask if i want it healed but yanno, it reminds me of how much different I am from my dad, who did the damage. It also effects my balance so stop asking if I'm drunk because I'm not.

Back at home I used to hang out on the streets or in gaming shops to escape crap at home. Got pretty good at a card game. Kinda a mixture of magic and dueling ...and a bunch of other stuff. It was called Duel Masters back at home. Played a hyper teleport card, massive card that'd win a tourney for me. Yeah...I played a card and saw a flash. Ended up in Rhydin after that.

I like it here, took me a while to get used to half of the monsters in my card deck walkin around in real life. Still learning how to use the deck, not really good at watching cards actually do what they were written to do on a piece of paper.

In the mean time I do deliveries all over Rhydin and spend time with Andy. Who could ask for more yanno?
Just my cards, nothing else. What i've mastered, pffft! Like I'm gonna list that here. If you're stupid enough to try to attack me, you'll find out what i've mastered and what I haven't. Let's just bet on the safe side and not get me to draw out of my deck at all.

Oh...forgot to mention, the deck is kinda sentient I think...what I need for the situation usually pops up as the next card I draw. And no it AIN'T CHEATING! Not my fault the stupid powers in this realm decided to give my deck of cards a brain...and some sort of pocket thing where it gets cards I never had in my deck...still trying to figure that out.

Yeah I've rambled enough right? You got questions? Just ask me...just remember, make sure to ask me in my left ear or make sure you are in view so that I know I'm talkin to you.


OOC: I'm a PG-13 player so anything beyond that is a no go. Nothing against other players it's just how i choose to play.

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