Viewing profile - Gabriel Zackary Alcar

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Gabriel Zackary Alcar
Gabriel Zackary Alcar
Character Race:
Dragon Demi-god
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Rhy'Din of a different timeline
Warrior. Death Knight.
Standing at the height of six foot three. He's got the same build as his father. He has his mother's pink hair and his father's glowing blue eyes, and a smirk that'd make his parents proud.

Rather arrogant when compared to the rest of his family, when he's around those familiar to him, he tends to show more respect towards them. Even though he claims that his little sister annoys him with her proper attitude, and can't stand her. He would do anything to make sure that she isn't harmed. Family always comes first to him.
He has his mother's temper, and his father's brute strength to go along with his grandfather's cold calculating mind. This on top of him being near on par with his parents as well as being proficient in magic.

Tends to be cool headed most of the time, but when pushed. He becomes just as violent as his parents, and just as cruel as his grandfather.

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Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:09 pm
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Sun Sep 01, 2024 6:06 pm
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Listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born, the truth is, it didn't start until then.