Viewing profile - Diritas

Character Race:
Fragment (Yin)
If you look hard enough.
Pirate, Sword for Hire.
Height: 6’-5” Your average tall person.
Weight: 272 lbs. The build of an agile fighter.
Eye color: Midnight blue
Skin color: Permanently tanned from years of sailing.
Hair color: White as fresh fallen snow.
Defining features: He has a few, such as thirteen deeply set and raised scars from lashings across his back and shoulders. A few bullet wound scars dot his chest, and a deep scar runs across both of his calves just below his knees.

People who are acquainted with a certain alchemist will notice the striking similarities. This is because they are actually fragments of the same soul, given separate bodies. Diritas is the darkness within, Ventus is the light. Many will notice Diritas is much larger and stronger than Ventus, make of that what you will. They refer to each other as brothers for the sake of convenience.

He is usually seen wearing his leather coat and a cloak if the weather is bad. According to rumor they are both made of the hide of a demon, or a dragon, and lined with the furs of black rabbits. They are as good as armor, enchanted to protect against magic of many kinds, such as curses and elemental attacks. They are also capable of defending against powerful blows, but everything they protect against drains his strength a small amount. His boots are of the same make, as are his rarely worn gloves. Beneath these he wears either midnight blue or dark silver grey sleeveless silk shirts held closed by a soft woven black rope around his waist. He wears pants of a plainer variety, usually a simple dark pair of jeans loose enough that they don’t hinder his movements.

Sometimes when he is expecting a fight, he carries a cutlass at his waist. The cutlass is flat black, and plain, with a guard meant for trapping swords, and point meant for piercing armor. Most of the time though he appears unarmed but has several hidden knives in various places within his baggy clothes.

--Recently he was given a new cutlass, this titanium bladed beast is enchanted, unlike his other two. It responds to his magic in many ways, as well as being able to cut through anything not magically protected. Beware, it has become an everyday carry item for him. Though he has yet to name it.

He lives on the ship he designed, The Abyssus, which is moored at the docks in Rhy’din city.
A full description of the Abyssus can be found here:

A labeled cross section of the Abyssus can be found here: ... pic_id=397
Diritas is a mirror image of his mother, before the spirits meddled in her life. He Inherited her great strength, her power, her speed. He Inherited her magic, her wit, and her cleverness. He learned from the Admiral the skills to use these things, he learned charm and grace, humor and ferocity. He can play the piano, his only true passion other than fighting and getting whatever has caught his eye at the time. He believes that the only thing that ever mattered, was coming out on top. And he always did.

He has control over basic elements, but his mastery is flame and ice. He can control frost as easily as breathing, turning water into ice is like blinking for him. He can create beautiful ice sculptures from his imagination, and breathe life into them quite realistically. He is known for using his powers to bring down ships with ice constructs resembling massive sea serpents and for summoning ice constructs to aid him in battle. These constructs are controlled by his will, and are not alive but seem to have a modicum of self awareness to aid in combat. Sometimes when he is deep in thought near liquids, they can freeze into portraits of his thoughts if there are strong enough emotions attached. He doesn’t mean to do this, it just happens.

Di has a small talent for Earth manipulation, though he hates using it due to the large amount of energy it requires of him. He has no talent whatsoever with Air.

He mainly uses flame though because it is much more linked to his emotions and innate magical abilities. His flames vary in color, each color bearing different properties as follows.

Yellow/Orange: Basic fire, moves according to Di’s will. This can include jets of flame, throwing flame, and aboard the soulbound ship Abyssus he is able to achieve remote ignition (Causing flame to combust spontaneously aboard the ship without him being in the room.) though he is not capable of doing this anywhere else.

Blue: Much like yellow flame, the only difference being that the blue is much hotter. It tends to show up when he puts more effort into his flames and burns much hotter. Near invisible in daylight, blue flame doesn’t put off much light at all, and tends to be hard to see unless in a slightly darker environment.

Violet: This flame is magical in nature, and rather than burning it instead produces a slightly warm tingling sensation wherever it meets the skin. The Violet flame does not consume, but rather preserves whatever it touches. Di can use this flame as armor and a defense against physical and elemental attacks because it prevents any changes to his flesh. However, it does not protect against things such as electricity, or more indirect attacks such as curses or attacks that do not target his body such as mental or soul based magic. He has used it to prevent poison from spreading, though the flame does not remove the poison from his system.

Green: This flame consumes magic. It is an effective way for him to fight magic users, though the flame itself does not burn and causes no physical damage. Generally the flame causes magic to lose potency rather than completely negate it, though if Di puts a lot of effort into the flame it can potentially negate some magical effects if given enough time.

White: A utility or distraction type of flame, white fire is almost completely harmless. It does not burn, and produces no heat, but is extremely bright. Its brightness has been measured at approximately 150,000 lumens. This is about twice as bright as average sunlight, and about as bright as a really, really bright clear day. Except it isn’t filtered, and generally comes from many directions at once. This means looking at it is much like staring at the sun and can be very painful without causing any real damage. Combined with strobe effects, he can make it difficult indeed for someone to focus on anything at all as the flashes disorient and in some cases, cause seizures in those susceptible to them.

Silver: A healing flame, silver has two effects. One being that it causes an empathic link with whoever Di is healing which forces him to take on their pain. The second effect is an optional for Di, and allows him to heal flesh to a certain degree. While he is not very good with most injuries, usually managing something closer to magical first aid than actual treatment, he is especially good with burns and has been known to heal them almost completely.

Gold: The gold flame is a flame he has never used. It taps into his latent goodness. Since he has so little of said goodness he has yet to have cause to actually use it. Since he has never used it, he has no idea what it does.

Onyx: The Onyx flame however, he uses quite often. It taps into the darkness within him, and is his most powerful flame based attack. The Onyx flame is not only an embodiment of the darkness within him, but is made far more powerful by the void left by the fragmentation of his soul inflicted by the monks of the Lorkhan Monastery. That void imbues the flames with a hellfire nature, and gives him very special control over soulmagic. The Onyx flame is his most powerful and versatile weapon, and when it is used should not be taken lightly.

Di’s other magic usually comes from the large amount of enchanted items he has collected throughout his travels. A skilled enchanter himself, he has been known to create what he needs if he doesn’t have one at his disposal. Other than that, he is skilled in soulmagic, which causes some interesting talents to surface, such as his ability to soulbind things/animals/people to his will.

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Who dares not grasp the thorn, should not crave the rose.