Viewing profile - Mikhail Vikari

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Mikhail Vikari
Mikhail IV Vikari
Character Race:
Human (Verchani)
Lieutenant Commander, 4th Seraph Brigade
A hair or two under 6'3", slender but toned. One would never expect him to weigh around 300 pounds, but most of that is due to the metal in his body. His hair is a sharp crew cut silver, and his face is lean and angular. An intense grayish blue right eye tends to focus on whatever he's looking at, while the cybernetic implant that's replaced the left often scans his surroundings to the point of redundancy. Mikhail appears quite young, and his disposition certainly does him no favors.

As all Seraphim are, Mikhail is implanted with retractable mithranium wings. Extended, they reach a wingspan of almost eight feet, but while retracted they fit neatly into the slots in his back and go unseen under the coat of his uniform.

The uniform is one he's rarely seen out of - black from head to toe with shined boots and four-sword epaulets upon his shoulders marking him as grade LT3, Lieutenant Commander. At his hip is a crystalline sword in a strange mithril sheath that doesn't actually cover the entirety of the blade - it looks like a metal snake curving around its bright blue passenger.
Magic: Mikhail is a 2nd class Sorcerer, specializing in Enhancement, Abjuration, Telekinesis and Incendiary magics. His greatest skill, however, is teleportation - at any moment he can move to any place he's ever been within about a thousand miles in the blink of an eye.

Martial: Swordsmanship, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Recon, Tracking, Survival, Tactics and various other military skills were naturally a part of his training as a Seraph officer.

Miscellaneous: Space and sea sailing/piloting/navigation, Data analysis/encryption/hacking, Communications, Mechanics, Engineering, Weapon development

Seraph enhancements:
Flight (Maximum speed 184 mph, maneuverability class A. With thruster module, maximum speed mach 2.8, maneuverability class F)
Kinetic Barrier (a projected shield that repels most non-magical entities and devices, and more importantly, protects him from burning in the atmosphere at high flight speeds)
Superb vision (Cybernetic eye, see below)
Strength (Superhuman)
Regeneration (Most organs and any flesh wound can be repaired completely, but the process takes time depending on severity.)

Technical Info:
- The wings function via enchantments, which are activated when they extend. They also help control his altitude and attitude via aerodynamics. They are extremely flexible and can be wrapped forward around his body to provide a protective shell.
- The cybernetic eye is a multi-purpose tool, capable of recording (2D video or 3D hologram), holographic projection, infrared and extreme low-light viewing, multple laser frequencies, and precision tracking/targeting. He can focus projectile magics through it as well.
- The comm bracket on his left arm is a 6"x3" touch screen device with an omnithal transmitter (similar in theory to the Ansible technology in the Ender series by Orson Scott Card.) When not being utilized for communication, it serves as the display for a multi-functional personal area radar system, which can display heat signatures, mana signatures (such as those present in magical constructs, enchanted items, and of course, magic users), structural details and light sources, even those beyond human visual range.
- Every language encountered and deciphered by the Straphian space program (nearly a million to date) is stored in the central database on Prime. The omnithal links to this database and serves as a universal translator.
- His right arm has a series of indicators which display mana level, systems status and situational alerts, some of which also produce warning sounds.
- Nanomachines in his bloodstream monitor his bodily functions. Capable of repairing tissue, filtering toxins, and even controlling the release of chemicals such as adrenaline and dopamine, they are the source of Mikhail's regenerative abilities. Recent advances have allowed for temperature regulation even at the skin level, allowing him to withstand extreme climates.
- All Seraph systems are powered by mana cells, which must be periodically recharged.
- These devices and the mana cells that power them have been engineered, by necessity, to be extremely resistant to disruptive and disjunctive magics, and can even function (albeit very briefly) in anti-magic void zones.
- The process by which one becomes a Seraph is permanent and irreversible. Among other things, metal is grafted to bone and the left eye is removed.
- The grafting process of metal to bone includes mountings to which modular pieces can be added, depending on the seraph's need.

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