Viewing profile - Alexandtra Havernas

Alexandtra Havernas
Alexandtra Havernas
Great House of Gul Torguis, Pembroke Mount.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Lady of Means

The veil of memory is opaque and very, very long. Much is forgotten and little is passed from parent to child, from guardian to charge. By this benefit, the Ancients exist in a mist of obscurity unless they desire otherwise. Some desire to be left alone while others desire to be put in the forefront and in the light always.

Among those Ancients was one who was well with her obscurity, though it had not always been so. There were decades remembered, among the dust and cobwebs and among the very ruins when walked a woman named Alexandtra Havernas.

The highly born woman was of the House of Gul Torguis, but it has not been a home for centuries. Fire, famine, plague and death was known there in the most liberal and literal of terms. There great happiness and loss existed.

Lady Alexandtra Havernas, when seen, appears an appealing creature in the form of a woman.

Her alabaster flesh is flawless. In lengths long enough to reach her hips when it is unbound are black and sheen like onyx with thick layers of auburn running through. Her eyes are shades of amber and have not known the warmth of a smile in them for more than a few lifetimes. Fine brow and delicate manner bespeak her stature among her people at Gul Torguis in the Realms of Savetus.

Her garments whisper of wealth, of fine brocade and satin. A defined waist is accentuated by a corset telling of some by-gone era. Her skirts are thick and heavy with a bustle at the back. Jewels are of expense, of rare rubies, emeralds, and pearls. At her right hand is a ring of contorted silver, writhing to keep ahold of a stone that is the same color as her eyes.

She speaks Common Tongue, though fails when she slips with a word or two of Latin or Romanian as if it is a language only half-remembered by a taste long desired.

Many in the realm have longer lives than Humans. Many of them have magic. The Lady is blessed and cursed with both.

She appears quite Human and is not, though will not devulge to just any passer-by what she is.

Her further thrall and curse is the magic she can weild. To heal or kill. To guide or lead astray in dreams and nightmares.

But despite the talent for some forms of arcane, she never had enough power to keep her beloved alive all those years ago.

Whispers of her say she was lost to madness after Lord Matthius'* death. Others spin tales that she killed herself out of dispare the moment she heard about it. Though many will not know that she simply withdrew from all society and interaction of all within all realms until the last fifty or so years.

Though it is not known beyond more than a few people close to her, she will keep company with a woman or man or two, but none have ever come close to that of her Beloved for many reasons. Some are simply to draw the life from them. She has not considered anyone again as a lifemate.

Travels with a large, black wolf with damage to his right ear and has red eyes circled with red. He is her protection when she cannot proect herself. He is her companion when there are no others.
She has the empathic ability to feel the emotions of others. Her own sadness is too deep that sometimes these feelings are very distant. Notably, it can't be grown anywhere else and the single most important ingredient is never devulged. It is also noted that it as harmless as water if not made correctly.

Dreams can be invaded for purpose of influence or to glean information. This is a dangerous thing for her, unbeknownst to others, for reasons she does not usually speak on.

Snipits of thoughts can be heard or conveyed only with someone she twines with a bond - be that person a close friend or love. None are presently so close as that.

She speaks Common Tongue and a few other languages learned over the years.

It is her House that is known to supply Torguis Soir, an absinthe that is not yellowish-green but orange-red. Its main ingredients can only grow in RhyDin. It is sometimes called a Blood Claw due to how the red color claws its way slowing into the clear, starting liquid as it transforms hues.
NOTE: It is as harmless as water if not made correctly and one of the strongest drinks ever to be created if prepared in the right way. (Coming straight from a delivered bottle is simply harmless).

(None of this is to be assumed and only a few things could ever be gleaned by spies and the like. What is overheard in a room where you are physically RP'ing can be worked with. Do not use OOC information for IC. Para-style/In-depth. Looking for longterm playing companions.)

*Mathius is NPC.

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[b:064904d472]Lady Alexandtra Havernas [/b:064904d472]
House of gul'Torguis
Realms of Savetus and RhyDin