Viewing profile - Charika

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Character Race:
Female - 24 yrs
Around Rhydin, forests, glens, almost anywhere
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Dancer, Flutist, Hunter
5ft nothing
100 lbs.
Eye color: Tarnished Green with flecks of silver.
Ginger Colored skin and Ginger to near Copper Fur and Hair.

Personal Effects:
A pair of studded earrings is all she is pierced with. They are platinum and seem to appear to be simple sapphires. Closer inspection would reveal miniature glowing Memora Flower Seeds containing archived memories and knowledge in the bio-organic memory cores. They give off no electrical signal.

Clad in free flowing koolats and a tank top, both dyed in the color of sea green. She is fond of glittery metallic charms woven into her hair and tail tuft.

Carries a small leather pack with her, no larger than a child's book bag for essentials within it. A change of dancing silks. A sealed container of the fith tree sap.

(fith sap tends harden and retain similar properties to very fine and durable ceramic making it excellent for crafting or weaponry.)

Primary hunting weapons are a compact bow made of the resilient fith tree fiber and enhanced with metallic strands. It can collapse and fold up. She loves to hunt with arrows made of fith wood shafts and crystallized fith sap arrowheads.

Two hunting knives, made with fith wood cores and have crystallized fith sap blades requiring no sharpening.

She has retractable claws that she has dipped into the fith crystallized Sap. Needless to say when the pointies are out, the pointies are out.

Has a flute made of fith crystallized Sap, an Amber Green color. (can play upon Psionic abilities or those with minds unsuspecting. It does play real notes. The Psionic is hidden within the notes.)

Other Notes:
Avoids Chocolate and Energy Drinks. Taurine is highly toxic to a Kirn. She is hooked on a drink of her own creation called a Green Trance. (Kiwi, Mango, Tequila, Everclear and Mint Schnaps)

Prefers places a bit less noisy from time to time when she gets into a mood to hunt or feeling a need to commune with natural spirits of nature in her living habitat.

She is a follower of Momtopa, a now extinct cult that worshiped the shedding of first hunt blood and the poetic violence of taking death into ones body to live.

~I was greeted with affection by mother at birth,
Raised to hunt all that crawled, flew or swam with my clan,
I learned to listen to the singing earth of our home,
I slew a crazed Ular with my own hands and a knife of bone,
They Gifted me with Memory Seeds for the nobel deed,
Set me loose from our clan by father to roam our planet to grow,
Much have I grown, keened, purred and did bleed,
But the path back to home would not come to me in my need,
To the north land city did I set my eyes,
For that fabled portal to realms nestled beyond the starlit skies,
If I cannot find my way home again,
I will just make my own home any way I can.~

Charika'Vatum's Prayer
Can speak most of the fourth trade language (English), Can read English to a fair degree. Some words elude her, Dancing, Flute Playing, Climbing, Acrobatics, Swimming, Jumping, Archery, Hand To Hand, Small Blade Combat, Hunting, Cooking, Basic Familiarity with Computers, Familiar with Civilization

Healing: Deaden Pain
Physical: Night Vision, Alter Aura, Mind Block
Sensitive: Commune with Spirit, Machine Ghost
Super: Hypnotic Suggestion

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Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:29 pm
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Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:29 pm
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