Viewing profile - Dylan Daniels

Dylan Daniels
Dylan Dixie Daniels or DeeDee
Character Race:
With her cousins
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Personal Assistant to Imp. Former Waitress at Dinermite and pinup girl
Dylan looks a bit different than her cousins. She's got dark brown hair, almost black and adds red streaks to it on occasion. Her eyes are large and bright blue and her smile rivals Julia Roberts. She started out working in a 1950's style diner back home and quickly took a liking to all things retro. Her appearance often times resembles that of a pinup girl from her clothes to her hair and makeup.
If only chasing after her cousins was the real reason Dylan had come to Rhydin. Sadly, she seemed to be trying to escape from the sudden fame that had been bestowed upon her by the people of Thomaston.

She had been told that the photos would never be shown in the states, that they were for an over seas men's magazine. It seemed like the perfect way to pad her pocket since she didn't make enough at the diner to pay the bills. Unfortunately nothing stays private for long when it can be found on the internet. Shortly after one of the local boys found the pictures, her name was all over town and not everyone thought the pictures were so great, including her father.

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Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:23 pm
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Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:54 pm
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