Viewing profile - Minoko Funaki

Minoko Funaki
Minoko Funaki
Character Race:
At the Black Scorpion Inn or running about
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Feudal Japan
Inn Owner and Tender
She smiles. Her smile grows when there’s a drink in hand and when she's near a certain immortal. Her scent is that of freshly cut lemons, more often than not mixed with alcohol. Her eyes are dark. Her hair, falling down to the small of her back, is darker. She stands at five and a half feet, far taller than your average Japanese girl. Curves are hidden under a kimono when she's working, "modern" clothing when she's not. Her age rests somewhere in her mid-twenties, though her face would make one think that she was at least a few years younger. When it comes to jewelry Minoko can always be seen wearing her engagement ring, which features a large clear stone in a princess cut, and crescent moon earrings.
Her powers were not earned, but rather gifted to her in a bizarre turn of events that came from a kidnapping and a death. Metal is her element, and with it she can do whatever she pleases. Flurries of alloy sakura petals are born on the wind; shields are generated from outstretched palms; bullets appear before pointed fingers and are shot off leaving a trail of pink light behind. That is her giveaway, the only sign that she is in control: a bright pink glow is emitted from whatever she takes hold of with her ki. If she chooses to use a pre-made weapon then she'll likely go with a longbow, something that she was trained to use from a young age, or a katana. Constant restlessness has led to frequent running. She's made a habit of running every day, and she's quite fast at that. Minoko also knows her way around the kitchen. She’s a decent cook that can make pretty much any drink imaginable. If you catch her on a day where she has Slane blood in her veins then any and all wounds inflicted on the woman will instantly heal.

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