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David Lo
David Lo
Character Race:
Empowered Human
Twin Oaks
Martial Arts Instructor
Age: 38 (Physically 25)
DOB: March 1, 1974
Height: 6'
Weight: 180
Race: Chinese-American

Tall for a Chinese man, David is strongly built and moves with a casual grace that only cats and the best martial-artists can match. With almond-shaped eyes the color of 50% pure dark chocolate and even darker hair, there's no mistaking his Asian heritage, but his mannerisms are purely American.

His physical age is more than a decade behind his chronological age, due to a combination of accidental time-travel and a greatly accelerated healing factor.

He dresses well, having become something of a fashion plate in the past year or so (Riley's influence, of course), and has even stopped carrying his Sig-Sauer P226 pistol with him everywhere he goes. The gun stays home most of the time now.

On his right shoulder blade is the tattoo of the Eight Trigrams of the I-Ching, and on his left ring finger is a tattoo of two infinity symbols joined at the loops to form a ring around his finger. Inside the bottom symbol are the numbers 02-12-11, the date of his marriage to Riley.
David has the sort of skills one would expect from someone who'd been a policeman for ten years, including firearms, driving, interrogation, research, human observational skills, abnormal psychology, etc.

Additionally, he is an extremely skilled practitioner of the circular Chinese martial art Baguazhang, which he began learning at age five. This lifelong practice keeps him in very good condition and gives him much greater flexibility than most. It also makes him a lethally formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat, even disregarding his phenomenal strength and speed.

David is vastly stronger and faster than the average human being. Extensive testing has shown him able to lift just over three tons without injuring himself. He can run at sixty miles an hour for an extended period of time before tiring, as well as being quick enough to dodge bullets fired at him from less than ten feet away. With the death of his murderous alternate-dimensional self, David heals at a greatly accelerated rate; almost as fast as an alpha Lycan, in fact. He has developed an increased tolerance for temperature extremes, as well, but the most radical evidence of his trans-human abilities is the very powerful telekinetic ability

((OOC notes: David is based on the multiverse and characters depicted in the movie 'The One.' For more information, feel free to PM. David does not go out of his way to hide his strength and speed; it can be reasonably assumed that anyone who knows him is aware of it. His other abilities are less well-known, especially the telekinetic power. Unless told of it by David, or your character manages to witness him moving something his mind, please consider this power to be unknown.))

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When you open your mind to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth.
-Dr. Walter Bishop