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Michael Petrov
Michael 'Big Mike' Petrov
Character Race:
Wherever his boss wants him
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Senior Officer, Batten Industries Security
Michael was born in Saint Petersburg, in Russia, the son of a Russian construction worker and an American businesswoman. It seemed an unlikely relationship - his mother was intelligent, attractive in a rather severe sort of way, and moderately wealthy, whereas his father was a rugged-looking, rather simple man with little money, barely any education, and a rather gruff personality.

She must have seen something in him, though, because out of that unlikely combination came Michael.

At a young age he was already a physical child, rough and tumble, but with a sharp mind and a way of looking at the world that set him apart from the other kids.

His father hoped to encourage this by getting him into sports, something his mother also encouraged, and so he was taken to a local gym to try out for the ice hockey team, which his father had been on as a child himself. However, Michael saw something he found infinitely more fascinating: a group of students engaged in practicing judo.

It was fair to say that he was hooked from the moment he saw it. His father was not approving of that course, thinking that his son should follow in his footsteps, but his mother, somehow, brought the old man around, and soon Michael was enrolled and began to learn.

It wasn't long before young Michael discovered the martial art of Sambo, and became even more interested in it than he was in Judo. This course was met with more approval from his father, who was a man with great pride in his national heritage, and Sambo was the 'recognized' martial art of his homeland.

The elder Petrov tried to get his son involved in hockey, still, but it turned out that on the ice his son had poor coordination at best, and finally he resolved himself to be satisfied with his son's choice of sport. After all, it was hard to be disappointed in your boy when he could make other - and often larger - boys cry like girls when they got into a ring and he used his strength to subdue or outright pummel them.

Despite his abilities and swift advancement in both Sambo and Judo, the younger Petrov never was a bully, never felt the need to lord his strength over his peers. Both mother and father saw to it that the boy became much too disciplined for that.

Thanks in part to his gifts and also to his intelligence, which grew with his education, Michael was encouraged to join the Russian military, where his instructors were encouraged and impressed with both his physical abilities and hiw willingness to take on any challenge, and to learn every aspect of being a soldier. Brom being a basic 'grunt' he was selected to train for and join the elite Spetsnaz units, where he excelled beyond his superiors wildest expectations.

Unfortunately, there were some who were jealous, and sought to keep him from advancement, who tried their best to beat Michael down by discrediting him or else by sheer intimidation.

One such man was an officer and the son of a very influential member of the Russian government. Such things were not uncommonly seen in the Russian army, and being the disciplined individual that he was, Michael simply tolerated it, refusing to give in and working all the harder.

It just happened to be the sort of thing that royally pissed the officer off, and finally, he tried to puch Michael into a physical confrontation. And when physicality did not work, he began to insult Michael's parentage. It was almost a fatal mistake.

The officer ended up in the hospital with multiple fractures of the legs and his ribs, a snapped vertebra in his neck and a severe concussion. It took eight full-grown men to pull Michael off of him and throw him into a cell.

Fortunately, being the son of an American brought with it certain priveleges, and she went to the American embassy to plead her son's case. In the interest of keeping their relations with the American government on a peaceful note, as well as keeping the much-needed good relations with the company his mother represented, which was good for their economy, they released Michael, but with the disgraceful stain of being dishonorably discharged from the army.

His mother, at that point, decided that perhaps her son and husband ought to come back to the States with her. Once there, she started searching for opportunities for her son to get a job.

With her contacts, she found one at a company looking for good security personnel, called Batten Industries. It seemed to be a good fit for her son, and the owner and CEO had a reputation for overlooking past incidents in the search for the very best employees for his then-fledgling company.

In the end, it turned out to be not just good, it was perfect.

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