Viewing profile - Aullere

Captaine Aullere Norillan-Rheinhart Moir
Character Race:
Human, o' course
Persnickety Wench
Nae Generally
Aquirer o' th' finer thing's, M'Laird
Promises of quick profit entice the unwary investor. A smidgen of spice and sting, curvy charms bend idle thoughts. Time has played it's hand across the infamous Captain, of Hades Handmaiden. As business minded as ever, The Whiskey Eyed Trading Company, her passion.

Tiffany perfection conceal that which has driven her into what has once again become a luxurious purdah. Twin facets of emerald cut to the core and a feral gaze consuming all, weaving with ample intelligence and consideration. Stringent insanity as well cherishable honor held true to the subject of heavenly taunts, mercurial passions hesitate in wait. Temper the alarming magnetism, roguish in demeanor. Behind it all an unreadable enigma, trespass not.

The bitter screams of madness, overpower any claim of faith and fate. The final hand dealt and played to it's end.

Heel y'ho boys, let her go boys, Bring her head round, into the weather . . . (Thank you Minniver for creating this video abot Horizon Tides, it still gives me shivers.)

Another time, another place, the dream lingers on. Things may change, but the memories remain the same....infinite.
When in doubt, look towards the horizon....the baubles still glimmer in the tide.
(( Yes, this is -that- Aullere. I don't really think there has ever been another one. I am here to write, not deal with Harlequin drama and over-inflated egos. Not into the whole modern thing, never have been. If I want to write about my cell phone and car, I'll send myself a text message. As scathing as ever, don't bother me with stupidity. Intelligence amuses me, try it. ))

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Sun May 27, 2012 6:57 pm
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