Viewing profile - Bibi Moreira

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Bibi Moreira
Beatriz 'Bibi' Sabelia Matos Moreira
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Screen Printer and Swag Siren
Beatriz, commonly referred to as Bibi's, family had been in the fruit growing business for eons. From a young age, her family encouraged her to investigate her surroundings. They were thusly assured her love of the land would keep her rooted in Brazil, helping to cultivate their crop...

... yeah, that didn't work out too well.

That freedom to explore made her itch. What else was out there? What could she try and conquer? So when a friend invited her on an out-of-country trip at the age of seventeen, she jumped at the chance. It was supposed to last three weeks, but wouldn't you know, Bibi never made it back home. The world was meant for taking, and she was going to bite off every bit she could.

Headstrong and uninhibited but cheerful and funny, Beatriz is a lot of things thrown into a blender, put on high and then flung outward- what you got could depend on what day of the week you hit her up on, and how much sleep she'd gotten.

Outwardly, Bibi possessed a mass of curls only sometimes tamed, originally dark but dyed almost white. A dark complexion set the stage for matching eyes. Slender of body but she knew how to use it, standing in at 5'7".

Owner of the custom screen print shop in WestEnd, The Silk Road.
Swag surveyor, screen print purveyor, dessert slayer

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Tue May 22, 2012 2:34 pm
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Tue May 22, 2012 11:05 pm
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