Viewing profile - Knight of The Black Rose

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Knight of The Black Rose
Kristoph Arknight Of House Knightfall
Character Race:
Returned to Rhy'din, Ex Memoria
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Tall and able bodied, kept fit by manual work, and self discipline. In his mid to early thirties, with a faint timeless cast to his features making it hard to distinguish his exact age. Long, dark hair framed a face with deep set, arresting eyes which range in color from blue, to gray, to green, and sometimes even red, dependent upon his mood... at least that's how it would appear.

His style of dress is usually antiquated, though more modern features are not completely alien; most of his attire is usually leaning towards voluminous clothing, though whatever he wears is marked by his personal sigil upon the chest - the Black Rose, set with the arms of House Knightfall.

He died.

His Soul, parted from the Myriad called [Justicar] waited for Oblivion, and the Next World - but he was brought back physically from that plane through the combined auspices of the Final Myriad, Memoria, and Will.

Returned, through the efforts of Fiona O'Neill, Lady of the Demon Manor at Bristle Crios, and of the Knight; found in Life, Death, Memory, and Beyond - to the Stairwell of Oblivion.

In addition to wearing the Sigil of House Knightfall, and his own personal Sigil - his clothing can sometimes be seen to bear the Seal of Bristle Crios, and of both the House Eternal and House Demon.

(Further Profile Update Pending)
Almost always bearing the blade of Judgement, Justiciar across his back. Both it and his modified ancestral armor can be summoned from the Final Myriad; the armor has been modified by [Justicar], his Myriad, to reflect his Apocalyptic form.

His skills are varied, gathered over several lifetimes. Or were, before he passed.

A Knight. A Priest. A Bodyguard. A Statesman....

A Death Knight. A Vampire....

And what on Alluvius...

Is called...

A Dragon.

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Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:26 pm
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Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:26 pm
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A man performs but one duty - the duty of contenting his spirit, the duty of making himself agreeable to himself.
-Mark Twain