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Mechanist Heart
Jacqueline Absinthe Aka Jack
Character Race:
Half Human and Half Fairy
The Coven Bristle Crios
Mechanist, Engineer and auto mechanic
Half human and half fairy, don't ask her how that came to be. She doesn't want to even consider her mother's sex life. Jack's mother is the one and only absinthe fairy. Although her mother is only 5 inches tall, Jack stands at a lengthy 5' 3”with her platform boots on, once again she is not going to contemplate the physics involved here.

Black hair and bright, glowing green eyes, Jack is so pale she might as well glow in the dark. Tattoos are a must, but if you want to see them, she is not going to offer. Piercings, three in her ears, but she is thinking about getting a rook piercing. Goggles are a must and always sitting on top of her head. Spikes are a basic accessory and black leather is all you will ever see her in. Working on cars to distress and all of her projects, it just isn't practical to wear anything else. From all the dirt and grease it is hard to tell if she is wearing make up, or just is in the middle of something, so take caution when asking such questions. Steel toed, platform combat boots make it easy for anyone to hear her coming. Jack has wings that look like blend of fairy and butterfly. Yes they are real and no you can't touch. If you try it, a random tool will be aimed at your head.

Besides the green eyes and wings, Jack did get one natural gift from her mother. A kiss from her, means you will be instantly drunk and hallucinating, the same as if you drank a whole bottle of absinthe. This makes having a relationship complicated, so she never bothers thinking there is someone out there for her. Besides, a mate would only get in the way of her work, or so she tells herself, which means rechargeable batteries will do.
She is a mechanist, engineer and just weird in general. Jack is as blunt as a two by four, so be ready for brutal honesty followed up with logic that makes sense only if you take the time to think about it. Playful, honest to a fault and odd as a duck walking on water, she will do what she pleases, create what she will and push the boundaries between machines and flesh. Be warned the only way to get her attention when she is fully absorbed in a project is to say her full name, but be prepared to have her nearest tool aimed at your head. Jack shortens her name as she does, for two reasons. 1) It is easy to say. 2) It is gender neutral so no one feels awkward. Just trust her, it makes perfect sense.

The past for her is long and way to complicated to tackle, so why bother. On occasion, Jack will talk to her mother only to end up with a headache. Metal, gears, arching electrics and the dangerous in general seem to be her strong suits. Don't ever think she wont beat you to a bloody pulp just because you took her tools away. A true bar room brawler and just plain brilliant at improvising, Jack can and will kill you if it is logical. Out of all the things she can do, magic isn't one of them, it is just to random and in her eyes that makes it to big of a risk. Yes, she understands the irony of that compared to her creations and no, you will never get her to change her mind.

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Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:54 pm
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Put that down before I show you the back side of my fist! Jack
Come be blown up at Alchemy House at Bristle Crios.