Viewing profile - Kellian Elan

Kellian Elan
Kellianarra Hall Elan
Character Race:
Half Human/Half Elf (Appears human)
Place of Origin:
Keeping that to herself.
Kellian is endowed with a figure that is well proportioned to her 5'8" stature. Her sea-green eyes may often sparkle with mischief yet, at times there underlies a shadowed intensity that seems as though it could pierce one's soul - if she should wish. Her sorrel red mane cascades nearly to her waist.
Kelli displayed an early talent for sorcery at a fairly young age, but she came to realize in time she was treading a dark path under the tutelage of one whom she'd been misled into trusting over a number of years. Along with a dear friend, she fled her home, and sought refuge in Rhydin. She took up residence at a property where she could continue to utilize her experience with horsemanship as she had followed in the family business. She trusted few at first and during this time she also learned to defend herself in unarmed dueling in the Outback. A series of events led to her former tutor's downfall and triggered a rapid growth of newly awakened psi, bringing with it all manner of confusion. Eventually, she spurned sorcery - in most cases - for psionics as with guidance she learned what she could and in some cases should not do.

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