Viewing profile - Bend Yet Not Break

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Bend Yet Not Break
Bobby Smithson
Character Race:
Human. Well, I think so. . .
Male. Dur.
Walking the byways, since highways are in short supply.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
I doubt there's any call for running backs here.
Nebraska, corn-fed and country. Slacks and jackets? Oh hell no. Not unless someone died. Jeans and a t-shirt, that's the order of business.

However, for such a plain-john high-school senior, there's a few notable oddities. Swimming's a no-no, though someone sharp might find him staring at a pool from time to time. The regular visits to the market for a sack of BB's every couple of days, that might catch someone's attention.

Oh, and those little turtle-looking things without shells and the long whippy antennae? Those can die in a fire.
Give him a ball and watch him run. Give him a hassle, and well. . .he won't start a fight, but he'll damn sure finish one.

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Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:49 pm
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Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:51 pm
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