Viewing profile - Aleksandr

Character Race:
Trough the Glen
Warrior, Summoner
In his human form, Aleksanr stands about 5' 13''. His hair his white, due the magic inside him thanks to his training as summoner of the undead and elemental creatures. He is dressed with a leather jacket, black pants and boots, in his hands he wears red fingerless gloves and his eyes are light blue.

Aleksandr's personality is arrogant and he likes to mock people, he's very stern with his sisters Niropi and Lila. Mostly because he is trying to make them fierce warriors, now that He is someone that thinks that warriors are a class born to kill and die under the sword.

Aleksandr is very proud and haves a childish attitude. He never accepts his mistakes and hates everyone that is better than him. But still Aleksandr is very loyal when he pledges to a cause, he's brave and protectice with his sisters.

Aleksandr stands with a strong character, when the time to fight until death comes. His personality changes and he becomes with a stone cold attitude.

(Image of Aleksandr with his Chuvashian Armor: ... aderRe.png)

(Aleksandr in his dragonform: ... dragon.jpg)
Aleksandr haves a lot of knowledge in the art of war, now that he had helped his father in battle and fought beside him, he has seen the horrors of war. The deaths of friends and brothers in arms. He masters the sword and shield, because he prefer to fight face to face against the enemy "Only to see their faces embraced in fear when they die" he says.

Appart from his combat experience and knowledge, Aleksandr also haves a huge knowledge regargin summoning, he is able to summon elemental creatures and call the undead. He never was in need of an army because his abilites as Summoner. With those abilities he is able to deploy an army of elementals and undead in a matter of minutes.

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Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:32 am
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Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:33 am
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