Viewing profile - Maeve Malone

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Maeve Malone
Maeve "Cougs" Malone
Character Race:
The RhyDin Wildlife Refuge (currently under construction and closed to the public)
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
The Edge, Myobi
Caretaker, Freelance Photographer
5'6, Maeve has spent most of her 31 years outdoors in the wilds and it shows. Her rough, tanned skin shows off her one and only spectacular feature - her cat's eyes. The only make-up Maeve wears is dark eye-liner to showcase the blue-green with orange and yellow flecks around the irises. Her black hair may be naturally wavy but it's impossible to tell since she chopped most of it off. On her left hand she bears the scar of a brand shaped like an extra-wide "H" with a smaller line in the middle.
Maeve is an eng'iti chimm, meaning she can communicate with most animals. While she uses certain words to aid her in expressing herself to creatures, her abilities are more heavily based in empathy. She is not a great fighter but she does carry a knobkerrie to protect herself when necessary. She could be clumsy on land but give her a board and some surf and she could ride almost anything.

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Sun May 06, 2007 10:37 pm
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Maeve Malone

A bird is in the air
but its mind is on the ground