Viewing profile - Noble Greyson

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Noble Greyson
Noble Greyson
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Character Portrait
Sometimes investigator, sometimes hired gun
Stands around 6'2" with green eyes and light brown hair, the occasional gray streak hinting at his age; he might be something shy of 40, maybe more.


How was it he even got to this place? He still wasn't sure.

Everything had ended badly. His own fault and he knew it. That woman with the rich dark hair and golden brown eyes; those flecks of jade would haunt him forever. They'd fought. Things said and things regretted. Drunk. Then into the woods for no reason other than it was someplace he'd yet to be that night. Getting kicked out of the bar too, but to hell with that bartender anyway.

The mist in the woods was unseasonable, especially this time of day. The body he stumbled across, far more unsettling. The face looked like his own given a few more years. Why had he taken the ring off its hand? It was nothing special; plated if he was to guess. And then slid it onto his own finger?

The world went black then, though maybe it was the drink. The drink didn't explain the strange town he woke up in though, nor even begin to approach the things he could do now...

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Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:42 am
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