Viewing profile - Chryrie Nightstar

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Chryrie Nightstar
Chryrie Skye Helston Nightstar (It's pronounced Sher-rye-ree)
Character Race:
Goddess, previously half moredhel elf/half faerie
Dark Lake Manor
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
MidKemia, the Northlands
Goddess of forsaken women and children
She's five foot eight and lithe. She has kaleidoscope eyes that constantly swirl various colors with her emotions. Her gossamer wings come and go as of late. She will bring them out, if requested. There is a small solitary braid in her ankle length black hair. It's woven with ribbons, trinkets, and feathers from friends and lovers. Some of them are (in no particular order)...

A tiny steel hawk in flight - Hawk Jahad
A glass heart with a drop of blood inside - Calix
A black feather - Darkmere Alcar
A rainbow ribbon - Jack Scot
A snake charm - Rick Jones
A crystal butterfly (infused with some of his ashes) - Jinx
A burned and battered bell - Jinx's Ghost
A silver pentacle - Qeallion
A ring of blue flames - Enazni
A flame charm - Dracos
A phoenix feather - Io
A few wooden beads - Vyska
A cuff from Khoom is woven through the braid and attached to her ear.
An intricately decorated Tsuba - Izumi

(If you have given her a trinket for her hair and it's not listed, let me know so I can add it!)
Her state of mind has a few names. Eccentric, insane, crazy, lunatic, a couple sandwiches short of a picnic basket. It was the price she paid for the amount of power she wields. She once was sane. While she spent centuries learning every type of magic she could get her grubby hands on, her constant need to obtain more power through the years chipped away at her mental health. Eventually she became a psychotic woman who could flip within seconds from demolishing entire cities in rage to a giggling girl who would heal all your boo-boos. It was likely a very good thing for Rhydin that Calix was determined to keep an eye on her.

Her original body had faded away, pushing her even further up the food chain despite her attempts to avoid it. But she was a goddess of Rhydin's creation, therefore she would continue to walk Rhydin's streets.

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