Viewing profile - King

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Expert Adventurer
Expert Adventurer
Terry King
Custom Title:
Not Your Prince Charming
Character Race:
At home or working.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Character Age:
28 (12/25/1995)
Place of Origin:
Small farm way out in the boonies.
Dueling Sports Star. Currently signed to the dueling team Dirty. Mainly works as the assistant of the Head Mistress of St. Mary's Catholic School for Girls.
5'8", Dark brown hair, and dark green eyes. Mocha colored skin from her half black half asian heritage. Her posture is a little iffy and she is a bit of a slouch when sitting. Terry spends her spare time working out and she has a more muscular figure due to it, though she's not the frequent gym goer like she used to be. She's pretty good at nail art and it can be seen when she can finds the time to do it up.

Tattoo(s): "Willow" on her outer left wrist
"Gabby" on the outer right wrist with a butterfly beside it.
Circling koi fish on her right shoulder blade. One light blue, the other black.
Her Team Beat Down symbol, the Fist with Wings, inked on her right side - on the rib.

Rings of Honor Titles:
The 98th Overlord of the Duel of Swords
The 112th Overlord of the Duel of Swords
Former Baron of Old Market [Duel of Swords]
Former Baron of New Haven [Duel of Swords]
Former Baron of Seaside [Duel of Swords]
Retired Baron of Dragon's Gate [Duel of Swords]
Former Baron of Battlefield Park [Duel of Swords]
Two time Baron of Dockside [Duel of Swords]
Two time holder of the Yellow Opal, MoonBeryl [Duel of Fists]
Panther's Claw Winner [Duel of Fists]
Hydra Cup 2012 Champion Team Member - Team Beat Down
2015 Iron Fist League Rookie of the Year
Summer 2016 Warlord Tournament Winner
Good with a rapier and two short swords. Also knows her way around the Outback rings. Pool lounger, loves to grill, and isn't against rolling up her sleeves and getting dirty if a job around the house calls for it.

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Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:59 am
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