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Character Race:
Enhanced Human
Adenna, Liltu Quarter
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Adenna, Kings Honor
Mage Killer, Liltu Quarter Guardian
Freia stands at a height of 5'8" and possess brown eyes and black hair that hangs about 3" past her shoulders, other physical characteristics include Liltu magic seals that are tattooed over the entirety of her body with the current exception being her face, various scars across her biceps and forearms with several particularly nasty wounds on her abdomen, her skin is usually tanned a light brown though frequent and lengthy visits to the Tower of Liltu sometime lighten her complection.

Her clothing varies daily but mostly consists of something dark and concealing with a hood. Trench coats, boots, and cloaks are articles of clothing she's often seen walking around in and she prefers to stick to more combat ready apparel underneath the concealing garment, leather, metal and even magical armor being a common addition to the wardrobe depending on conditions expected.
Freia is commonly referred to in Liltu society as the Blade Witch for good reason, she was raised in Adenna as a very calculating, powerful and efficient weapons specialist and it is the backbone of her skill set even after obtaining her magical attributes.

Freia's magical abilities are for the most part kept secret to the furthest possible extent due to the sparse number of mage killers in Adenna and Liltu society and the infancy of the unit.

The one publicly known skill that gained Freia her title is the ability she possess called Armory that lets her select between a numerous amount of blades in the heat of battle that serve various purposes, though the details of the skill are unknown by many.

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Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:04 am
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