Viewing profile - Leo Wynters

Leo Wynters
Leo Wynters
Character Race:
Where he hangs his sword
Warrior and Craftsman
5' 10" at a 170 pounds. His body is all lean muscle with healthy callous' on his hands, feet and elbows Tanned from working in the sun even in winter. A jagged red scar runs down the center of his chest. Well groomed, but always a healthy layer of dirt under his nails. Leo smiles and often remarks that it is permanent. A piercing in his ear, a small silver hoop and a leather cuff with a dragon embossed on it. Button down shirt and jeans he is good to go. Bare foot or in boots Leo is an easy going guy.

Shoulder length dirty blonde hair that curls when wet. Hazel eyes that will give away his mood every time. The more blue the happier he is. More green hit the dirt cause you are about to be owned. Stubble is just part of the job. Who has time to shave when there is work to be done and swords to swing.

Charming, intelligent, helpful, protective, playful, dedicated, dashing, truthful, creative and stubborn are all good ways to describe Leo.
A small boy from birth, Leo was always sick. Overprotective parents kept him inside by teaching him how to weave baskets and small decorative figures.

One day he managed to sneak out of the house. Out in near the woods Leo witnessed a dragon hatchling being attacked. Grabbing the biggest stick, he charged in to help, but it was too late.

Leo stayed with the hatchling till it's parents came. Bruised and bloody the meek child wept at the lose of life. The great dragons realized it was to late for their son, but not for this boy. It was clear to them that the human boy would not live to see adulthood with his current heart.

The dragons gave Leo their son's heart. Forever changing him. A long and jagged scar runs down the center of his chest from the transplant. His skin became as hard as scales. A glow in his eyes of something more lurking in the blood and a craving for meat at every meal.

Once a month he must under go a transfusion of human blood in order to keep his body balanced.

Not a single day is wasted in the life he has been given. Training daily to be a better warrior, humility at his very core. Becoming a local guard for his village. After years of serves as a soldier, he left. No one seemed to understand his needs. Leo will fight empty handed or armed depending on the situation he finds himself in.

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Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:11 pm
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