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Batosai Tsurugi
Character Race:
Southern Forest
Assassin (Retired)
Batosai stands at 7'3", an imposing specimen of the Hrrakiir species. His fur is a reddish orange in color, with some metallic highlights.
The predator wore an unusual outfit. His legs were adorned with a garment resembling a japanese hakama, the hem of which ended just below the knees. His upper body was garbed in a loose tunic, the back cut open at the shoulders to allow room for the tentacle-like shakti to move.
Commonly he also wore a vest which integrated several utility belts and pouches.
His oversized paws were unshod, walking everywhere barefoot, as shoes or even sandals would just get in the way of his paw-talons.
Finally, a pair of fingerless gloves covered his hands.

((For an example of what a Hrrakiir looks like, see the image in the website heading.)) ... t%2001.jpg
Batosai has innate Power, known as Shii'Koh to his people. This power resides in the cells of the blood, and is very similar to Ninja Chakra, some kinds of magic, and The Force.

Batosai is a predator and a strict carnivore. In addition, he is addicted to the Power. On his homeworld were giant herbavores, similar in size to a brontosaurus. From these Batosai and his people fed both in flesh and blood, but also from the small amounts of innate Power the creatures possessed.
Batosai, like others of his species, gained more Power by draining it from others; however this has left them hopelessly addicted. Like a vampire, they must continually feed in order to keep their strength up, and to keep the Power in their bodies from eating them alive, a symptom known as the Hunger.

Now Batosai Hunts those with Power close enough to his own to feed upon.

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