Viewing profile - Alexis Blue

Alexis Blue
Alexis Blue
Character Race:
Female I'd hope!
Enchanted Hills
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Simrily Forest
Warrior, Healer, Priestesss, everything
To the untrained eye, the decades old appearance of chestnut banana curls dripping to a tapered waist would be viewed. Bright, glittering eyes of lapis lazuli sparkled as much as the smile upon pale pink lips. A curcy hourglass form was normally covered with an assortment of bodices and long skirts was worn over pale white flesh. Should skirts not be worn, a variety of leather bodices, tights, and thigh high boots would cover the modest woman.

To the trained eye, one strong enough to see past the illusion she was so used to creating, would be something altogether different. The Eldar of the Blue Clan was not some pretty thing to be viewed. With ice blue hair to her waist, the same lapis eyes (sans the whites) and a malicious twist to snarling lips, the Blue child was ready to pounce and steal her lifes blood: souls. The illusion was enough to cover the truth, both being of the same mass.
Hand to hand combat, armed combat, melee, healing, serving as a priest in any capacity, counselor, leader.

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Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:54 pm
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Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:45 pm
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Alexis Blue