Viewing profile - Audrey Horne

Audrey Horne
Audrey Horne
Character Race:
Oh so incredibly female
Mischief maker
Around five feet four inches, give or take a bit, Audrey has dark hair that's usually kept just above or below ear length and piercing blue eyes that no human should have the right to possess.

A beauty mark stands out just next to her left eye.

Curves lay beneath whatever she decides to cover them up with; be it a sweater and a skirt or..when the mood hits her..a cheesecake dress.
The explosion at the Twin Peaks Bank sent dear Audrey hurtling straight through the mysterious place known as the Black Lodge and right into the nexus, where she ended up in Rhydin.

After settling in (as much as one *can* settle into a place like Rhydin, but then again she is a Twin Peaks girl), Audrey found that she had actually been gone from home for more than twenty years.

(Oh, hey yeah. Sometimes I miss things in the room. I'm scatter brained like that. If I do, just PM and lemme know.)

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:08 pm
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"My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light." Edna St. Vincent Millay.