Viewing profile - Leda

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Leda Nyx
Character Race:
Half-and-half, Succubus and Human
Most assuredly female
If you know the right spell
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
A level of the Hells known as Pandemonium
Potential Student of the Arcane. Slave.
Age: 19 Years
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 112lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown

A child born of two worlds, two dimensions, two separate but parallel planes of existence, Leda Nyx was never going to be a norma human being. Nor was she ever going to be the sub-demon slave her peers became. The demoness who birthed her did so to prove a point - that a human mage is capable of siring a child on an unsummoned succubus - and cares nothing for the fate of her spawn.

Raised on a level of The Hells known only to those demons who live to sow strife and discord among the mortal races, Leda was destined to be a slave, less than nothing in a world where to be a half-breed is to be worthless, fit only for menial degradation. However, the strain of humanity that sired her is powerful in the arcane, and it was only a matter of time before she displayed an aptitude for using the gifts of her blood, however wild and untamed.

From the day she killed her first master, she became an object of disgust among the demons of The Hells, and a child to be feared by her fellow slaves. She might have been put to death at the tender age of four, were it not for the interest of Carnivean, the Demon Lord of Pandemonium. He heard of this half-breed child's abilities and took her under his own influence, forcing her with equal parts pain and reward to exercise the magic in her blood to further his own ends.

As a child, she was useful enough; the strange combination of succubae and mage blood lending her a charm that could sway even the most hostile and wary of susceptible minds, be they demon, mortal, or even angelic. But as she grew into adolescence, what little control she had over her power melted away. The slightest rise of emotion, be it good or ill, could summon demons from other planes, other dimensions, and there was bitter fighting on all the levels of Hell, as these usurpers were driven back by the Demon Lord she called master.

Leda knew nothing of the battles fought because of her lack of control. For the protection of his realm, Carnivean had her collared with enchantments, set to suppress every vestige of her power, and kept her locked away, bereft of any companionship but tat of himself, her jailor. When, at last, the war was won, her master released her, only to discover that after long years of confinement she could now wield that child's devastating, mind-altering charm with the added allure of a mature form, innocent but achingly feminine as only a human female can be. And he pondered what further use she could be, if the power of her dual blood could be harnessed and trained.

Enquiries were made in every, in every dimension, on every world to which his own not-inconsiderable influence could reach, until at last he found the perfect place to have her trained. A confluence of worlds, crammed ever more tightly with peoples of every race, breed, skill, and purpose. The power on that plane was so strong, he could taste it from his dark throne in the Halls of Pandemonium.

Tattooed with the sign of Chaos, the only link through which Carnivean could observe and control her, Leda was sent to Rhy'Din, to seek out a teacher in the arcane arts.
Thanks to her dual blood, Leda can wield a certain amount of influence over a susceptible mind, able to gently or forcibly turn a person's will to her own purpose. Likewise, she has unusually powerful skill in Invocation and Conjuration, but her abilities in the other areas of magecraft are sorely lacking. She cannot hold her own in a magical duel; not yet, anyway.

((OOC Note - Leda is half succubus, half human-mage, and as such radiates a certain amount of innocent allure, which anyone is welcome to play with if they wish. I will never force Leda's mind nudging skills on anyone without first obtaining that player's permission.))

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To see the light, you must first bathe in darkness.