Notes from the Isle

September 25th - October 1st

-Week 9 of 9-

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newly Crowned Overlord (or is it belted, since I don’t think there’s actually a crown?) Gatito won last Sunday’s Archmage Tournament and they and current Archmage Xanth will meet up on the Isle this coming Thursday, October 6 to see who will stay or get to step into the Celestial Tower! Mairead Harker also walked away with the Keeper’s Blessing, so we look forward to seeing if she’ll be challenging soon for a tower in this cycle!

A new cycle is upon us and the spoopy month of October is here! What tricks or treats will be in store for you? Be sure to visit Twilight Isle and especially Duskside to get in all your Halloween vibes! Duskside tricksters have already been up to mischief, nabbing the newly discovered Staff of Seasons! And they’re looking for a magical show from our casters in the Ride of the Headless Horseman Event! See here for more details and be sure to sign up for this seasonal title!

Note: Mairead Harker won the Empowered Earth Gem Wand on 09/18/2022 in the Fall All Ranks tournament. This awards the usage of Elemental Fury in regulation matches until the next All Ranks tournament.

NEWS FROM OTHER VENUES: In the Arena, last Friday night saw the completion of the Round Robin Cup and it was LuvBonez who wins again for the 3rd straight year! Congratulations to them and all the teams on a tournament well fought! Things in the Arena are staying sharp as the following night on Saturday the End of Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament was held! Nicole won it all and walks away with the Talon and a challenge grant, as well as the Tree Climber gloves! We wonder what she’ll set her sights on! Rachael also won the Overlord Challenge grant! Speaking of Rachael, it sounds like she’s looking to go back to school, or rather become the Baron of Dragon’s Gate as she’s challenged newly reappointed Governor Dris! This challenge is happening tonight, so be sure to come out to the Arena and cheer them on!

In the Outback, earlier this week on Monday night, September 26th was the MoonBeryl Challenge! In two straight matches, Gatito snags the yellow opal back from Eregor and becomes Aero Master! Congratulations on all of your success in the rings lately! Looking to see if you’re a cut above the rest? Good news, the Diamond Quest is coming up Sunday October 16th, so if you’re an emerald then this is your time to shine! Head to the cork and sign-up soon!

DEBUTS: No debuts this week.

ADVANCEMENTS: Tanning Bread advances to Enchanter!

THE RING OF KLYTUS: The holder for this cycle is Gatito! The ring grants an additional focus over the normally allotted amount, but is still limited to the maximum of 3 foci.

General Info: If you find a mistake in these standings, to select a spell upon reaching Mage, or to request reinstatement, please send a message to the DoM Standings Keeper, Max Lager. Or you may contact the DoM coordinators, Gatito via PM on the forums.

The histories of our mystical bloodsport are chronicled at this address: (DoM Histories) Someday, you may be in these histories too! If you want to know how to get started, or what the rules for the ranks are, go here: (Game Guide) (Rules of Rank) To discuss with the Duel of Magic community, or with the entire dueling community at large, go to the corkboards, located here: (Forums)

Not listed in the current standings, but sure that you have a past record? Find your listing on the Old League of Duelists table and duel at your old rank. Just make sure you tell your opponent before the duel begins.

Current Standings Cycle Rankings

Keepers of the Isle

Celestial Keeper / ArchmageXanth Van BokkelenGained: 2022-07-28
Keeper of AirGatitoGained: 2022-08-14
Keeper of EarthKira AdiaGained: 2022-06-19
Keeper of FireRachael BlackthorneGained: 2021-03-14Defended: 2022-09-15 # Defenses: 9
Keeper of WaterDroetGained: 2022-07-31
Titles in italics, above, indicate towers under challenge.
Entries in bolded purple, below, denote Keeper of Twilight Isle.
Name ForumName W L T Spells Last Dueled


[ 3 Foci ]

Xanth Van Bokkelen XanthVanBokkelen101 1 0NR, IM, EF2022-09-06

~=Mage Emeritus=~

[ 3 Foci ]

Ebon Ilnaren 31 0 0NR or IM2022-07-02
Eden Parker 85 0 0NR or IM2022-05-17
Gren Blockman 46 0 0NR or IM2022-08-11
Jesse Spell29 0 0NR or IM2022-08-08
Rachael Blackthorne 170 0 0NR or IM, EF2022-08-31
Xanth Van Bokkelen XanthVanBokkelen101 1 0NR, IM, EF2022-09-06


[ 3 Foci ]

Alasdair Galloway 20 0 0NR2022-07-29
Amaris 16 0 0IM2022-08-31
Anya de la Rose 24 0 0IM2022-09-03
Caleb Feren 16 0 0NR2022-07-29
Droet Droet the Bold36 0 0IM, EF2022-09-06
Ellie Luisante 60 0 0IM2022-05-24
Eregor 71 0 0NR2022-08-06
Gatito [ RoK ]Partly Cloudy35 0 1NR, EF2022-08-12
Haru Jeong 65 0 0NR2022-09-24
Jackson N Jackson54 0 0IM2022-06-05
Kira Adia 29 0 0NR, EF2022-10-01
Mairead Harker 100 0 0NR2022-09-14
Mira Burke 35 0 0NR2022-06-05
Morgan LaFey 60 0 0NR2022-08-16
Neo Eternity 136 0 0IM2022-06-05
Rhys Germain 19 0 1IM2022-09-20
Royal Farron Royal31 0 0NR2022-09-30
Sal Delahada Delahada21 0 2IM2022-08-31
Sheridan Driscol BardGallant28 0 0NR2022-09-20
Tasslehofl Momus 53 0 0NR2022-08-05
Xune Vandree Xune25 0 0NR2022-06-18


[ 3 Foci ]

Doran Ilnaren 12 0 02022-09-14
Max Lager 14 0 02022-09-30
Mew 14 1 02022-08-07


[ 2 Foci ]

Basil Praetextatus 7 2 02022-09-06
Ettyn de la Rose Death Knell6 0 02022-09-03
Jia Adia [ Mentor: Mairead Harker ]Jia6 0 02022-06-23
Lillian Whitefield [ Mentor: Ebon Ilnaren ]9 0 02022-07-04
Pearl Fand Winter Pearl7 0 02022-09-06
Uriah [ Mentor: Morgan LaFey ]Shinou Linage5 0 02022-05-12


[ 1 Focus ]

Mallow 2 0 02022-06-10
Reign 2 0 02022-07-31
Robert Infinity 2 0 02022-06-10
Serenity Silverhand [ Mentor: Kira Adia ]3 0 02022-06-13
Tanning Bread 2 0 02022-10-01
Zero 2 0 02022-07-02


[ 0 Foci ]

Angel Angelic0 0 02022-07-27
Autumn A Ripple in Time1 0 02022-08-12
Desdenova Von Tombs Desdenova VonTombs0 0 02022-03-28
Hye-jin Ri Hyejin Ri1 0 02022-09-24
Lena Lestrange 0 0 02022-06-20
Lydia Everleigh 1 0 02022-08-09
Nero Zhir [ Mentor: Anya de la Rose ]1 0 02022-06-06
Pythia 1 0 02022-06-03

(ForumName above listed only when different from Character Name. ForumName in [brackets] is an RDI name and listed only when no RoH name is known.)

Cycle Ranks Through Week 9

Cycle rankings show how duelists perform over the course of the cycle, with the top performer earning the Ring of Klytus (provided they began the cycle below the rank of Mage). To balance percentage performance duelists are broken into 3 brackets based on number of duels fought, with top accolades achievable by only those in the upper tier. Duelists are ordered first by bracket, then by winning percentage, followed by the number of wins and lastly by low rank to high.

(click column headers to sort the table.)

Bracket 1: 8+ duels   |   Bracket 2: 4-7 duels   |   Bracket 3: 1-3 duels
Name Record Win % Bracket
Gatito 05-02-0171.43% 1
Gren Blockman 04-04-0050% 1
Mairead Harker 05-06-0045.45% 1
Xanth Van Bokkelen 03-01-0075% 2
Sal Delahada 01-01-0250% 2
Rachael Blackthorne 02-03-0040% 2
Reign 01-00-00100% 3
Tanning Bread 01-00-00100% 3
Royal Farron 01-00-00100% 3
Hye-jin Ri 01-00-00100% 3
Sheridan Driscol 02-00-00100% 3
Autumn 01-00-00100% 3
Jesse 01-00-00100% 3
Eregor 01-00-00100% 3
Droet 02-01-0066.67% 3
Lydia Everleigh 01-01-0050% 3
Morgan LaFey 01-01-0050% 3
Rhys Germain 01-01-0150% 3
Ettyn de la Rose 01-01-0050% 3
Haru Jeong 00-01-000% 3
Tasslehofl Momus 00-01-000% 3
Max Lager 00-01-000% 3
Anya de la Rose 00-01-000% 3
Mew 00-01-000% 3
Pearl Fand 00-01-000% 3
Basil Praetextatus 00-02-000% 3
Doran Ilnaren 00-02-000% 3
Amaris 00-02-000% 3
Kira Adia 00-01-000% 3

Duels fought for Week 9

Date Caller Duelist 1 Result Duelist 2 Score1 Score2 Rounds
2022-09-30 Duel Bot Royal .def. Max Lager 5 3.5 6
2022-10-01 Duel Bot Tanning Bread .def. Kira Adia 5.5 4.5 14