Notes from the Isle

October 4th - October 10th

-Week 5 of 9-

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Tower of Water is defended! With Keepers Blessing in hand Bellamere challenged for the Tower of Water, and while the challenge match itself was quite close and went down to the wire, it was Eregor who stood triumphant in the end! This victory marks Eregor's FIFTH defense of the Tower of Water! What an amazing streak!

The Trivia Tuesday winner is.. Alasdair Galloway! With one hundred eighteen points! Haru came in second and Mairead third! Thanks to all those who came out to share in the history of Twilight Isle!

The Trick or Treat events of October are among us! With the Trick or Treat! The Ultimate Spooky Showdown secretly seeding participants in either the group of Trick or Treat! And we can't NOT mention all the cute little familiars being matched with good homes thanks to Bella the Familiar Witch! It's not too late to join the fun as all duels in magic throughout the month of October will be counted so long as you sign up by the 29th! We also have the Trick or Treat Halloween Havok lotto! While the Week 1 lotto is over we're now moving onto Week 2, which means there's three more weeks of scratch off fun!

NEWS FROM OTHER VENUES: In the Outback — MoonBeryl Defended! Salvador defended his right to hold the MoonBeryl opal after defeating Jaycy in two matches! While in the Arena we see Neekylah Lang once again issuing a challenge for Dockside against Olaf! The challenge has been accepted but no information on time or place yet! The same can be said for the challenge for Battlefield Park with Matt accepting Karma's challenge with details forthcoming! The ongoing Overlord Challenge between Rachael and Overlord Hope is taking place tonight at 9 PM (ET)!

DEBUTS: No debuts this week.

ADVANCEMENTS: No rank increases this week.

THE RING OF KLYTUS: The holder for this cycle is Ellie Luisante! The ring grants an additional focus over the normally allotted amount, but is still limited to the maximum of 3 foci.

General Info: If you find a mistake in these standings, to select a spell upon reaching Mage, or to request reinstatement, please send a message to the DoM Standings Keeper, Royal. Or you may contact the DoM coordinators, Gatito via PM on the forums.

The histories of our mystical bloodsport are chronicled at this address: (DoM Histories) Someday, you may be in these histories too! If you want to know how to get started, or what the rules for the ranks are, go here: (Game Guide) (Rules of Rank) To discuss with the Duel of Magic community, or with the entire dueling community at large, go to the corkboards, located here: (Forums)

Not listed in the current standings, but sure that you have a past record? Find your listing on the Old League of Duelists table and duel at your old rank. Just make sure you tell your opponent before the duel begins.

Current Standings Cycle Rankings

Keepers of the Isle

Celestial Keeper / ArchmageBailey RaptisGained: 2020-05-05Defended: 2020-09-11 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of AirEllie LuisanteGained: 2020-09-21
Keeper of EarthMairead HarkerGained: 2020-08-22
Keeper of FireEden ParkerGained: 2020-06-13Defended: 2020-09-08 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of WaterEregorGained: 2019-12-17Defended: 2020-10-04 # Defenses: 5
Titles in italics, above, indicate towers under challenge.
Entries in bolded purple, below, denote Keeper of Twilight Isle.
Name ForumName W L T Spells Last Dueled


[ 3 Foci ]

Bailey Raptis 55 0 0NR, IM, EF2020-08-15

~=Mage Emeritus=~

[ 3 Foci ]

Bailey Raptis 55 0 0NR, IM, EF2020-08-15
Claire Gallows 69 0 0NR or IM2020-08-04
Eden Parker 83 1 0NR or IM, EF2020-09-22
Gloria Blaze 57 0 0NR or IM2020-08-17
Jesse Spell25 0 0NR or IM2020-05-19
John Cole JohnCole38 0 0NR or IM2020-05-21
Nayun Takamine Nayun23 0 0NR or IM2020-06-09
Rachael Blackthorne 111 0 0NR or IM2020-08-27
Xanth Van Bokkelen XanthVanBokkelen68 0 0NR or IM2020-08-22


[ 3 Foci ]

Atiea 15 0 0IM2020-07-30
Eregor 44 0 0NR, EF2020-10-10
Haru 23 0 0NR2020-10-09
Hope Naharis Hope24 0 0IM2020-09-14
Jaycy Alexander Jaycy Ashleana17 0 0NR2020-10-04
Mairead Harker 28 0 0NR, EF2020-09-27
Mallory Maeda Mallory41 0 0IM2020-09-02
Mart Di'luna Mart17 0 0NR2020-10-10
Mathian Shadowsoul Shadowsoul15 0 0NR2020-08-22
Matt Simon Goldglo71 0 0NR2020-08-04
Mew 16 0 0NR2020-09-07
Michelle Montoya 36 0 0NR2020-07-14
Morgan Chae MC27 0 0IM2020-10-10
Morgan LaFey 31 0 0NR2020-10-10
Neo Eternity 128 0 0NR2020-09-05
Phil Goshawke 23 0 0NR2020-05-25
Regina Wellston 25 0 0NR2020-09-28
Royal Farron Royal24 0 0NR2020-08-04
Strawberry Armstrong Strawberry15 0 0IM2020-08-18
The Sublime Bellamere Bellamere29 0 0IM2020-08-04
Venalia Dawnblade Dawnblade20 0 0IM2020-06-13
Xune Vandree Xune25 0 0NR2020-06-19


[ 3 Foci ]

Alasdair Galloway 13 0 02020-06-30
Colleen MacLeod-Fenner PrlUnicorn13 0 02020-09-12
Ebon Ilnaren 10 0 02020-09-12
Kheldar Drasinia Kheldar14 0 02020-06-24
Mephisto Mephisto the Red13 0 02020-09-22
Nako Iijima 12 0 02020-06-23


[ 2 Foci ]

Amaris 8 0 02020-08-01
Anubis Karos 5 0 02020-09-18
Ellie Luisante [ Mentor: Mairead Harker ][ RoK ]9 0 0EF2020-09-27
Max Lager 8 0 02020-05-26
Penny Escobar 6 0 02020-06-06
Renzo Sforza 5 0 02020-08-29
Rhiannon Brock [ Mentor: Eregor ]8 0 02020-08-25
Rhodes 5 0 02020-07-14
Sylista Convor [ Mentor: Michelle Montoya ]8 0 02020-08-22


[ 1 Focus ]

Cecilia Woods 3 0 02020-05-31
Conner Reid 4 0 02020-06-25
Cygni Blank2 0 12020-10-04
Doran Ilnaren 3 0 12020-09-17
Fenna De Vries [ Mentor: Bailey Raptis ]2 0 02020-05-05
Kenny "KC" Chae KC4 0 02020-05-11
Luna Sanguinem 4 0 02020-09-14
Noira Sibreth Noira2 0 02020-08-27
Octavia Tarracon The Eighth Child2 0 02020-06-13
Ophelia 3 0 02020-08-18
Pearl Fand Winter Pearl2 0 02020-08-13
Reiko Souma 4 0 02020-10-09
Sammy 2 0 02020-07-29
Szuzak Mos 3 0 02020-05-31


[ 0 Foci ]

Arla Carna 0 0 02020-10-02
Azriel 0 0 02020-05-26
Canaan Devillier Canaan1 0 02020-07-26
Charles Blackstone 0 0 02020-07-08
Daiyu Bo Black Jade0 0 02020-05-09
Felicity Lakeman [ Mentor: Haru ]1 0 02020-08-19
Hoarfrost 0 0 02020-07-09
Isis Khepri 0 0 02020-07-31
Kairi 1 0 02020-06-09
Na-rae Takamine PC0 0 02020-06-18
Neekylah Lang 1 0 02020-08-18
Olaf von Trunk Static Rest1 0 02020-08-23
Quinn Starlight 0 0 02020-06-06
Rini Chikara 1 0 02020-07-08
Shelby Monaro Shelby0 0 02020-09-10
Tilly Stanley TillyStanley1 0 02020-07-14
Yuzuki Kuwabara 1 0 02020-07-17

(ForumName above listed only when different from Character Name. ForumName in [brackets] is an RDI name and listed only when no RoH name is known.)

Cycle Ranks Through Week 5

Cycle rankings show how duelists perform over the course of the cycle, with the top performer earning the Ring of Klytus (provided they began the cycle below the rank of Mage). To balance percentage performance duelists are broken into 3 brackets based on number of duels fought, with top accolades achievable by only those in the upper tier. Duelists are ordered first by bracket, then by winning percentage, followed by the number of wins and lastly by low rank to high.

(click column headers to sort the table.)

Bracket 1: 8+ duels   |   Bracket 2: 4-7 duels   |   Bracket 3: 1-3 duels
Name Record Win % Bracket
Morgan LaFey 03-02-0060% 2
Haru 03-04-0042.86% 2
Mew 01-00-00100% 3
Hope Naharis 02-00-00100% 3
Jaycy Alexander 01-00-00100% 3
Regina Wellston 01-00-00100% 3
Anubis Karos 01-00-00100% 3
Morgan Chae 01-00-00100% 3
Reiko Souma 02-00-00100% 3
Ebon Ilnaren 02-00-00100% 3
Eregor 01-01-0050% 3
Ellie Luisante 01-02-0033.33% 3
Mairead Harker 01-02-0033.33% 3
Mart Di'luna 01-02-0033.33% 3
Luna Sanguinem 00-01-000% 3
Doran Ilnaren 00-00-010% 3
Shelby Monaro 00-01-000% 3
Eden Parker 00-01-000% 3
Mephisto 00-01-000% 3
Colleen MacLeod-Fenner 00-02-000% 3
Arla Carna 00-01-000% 3
Cygni 00-01-010% 3

Duels fought for Week 5

Date Caller Duelist 1 Result Duelist 2 Score1 Score2 Rounds
2020-10-04 DUEL Bot Jaycy Ashleana .def. Blank 5 2 14
2020-10-05 DUEL Bot Mart .def. Morgan LaFey 5 1 6
2020-10-08 DUEL Bot Morgan LaFey .def. Mart 5 3.5 11
2020-10-09 DUEL Bot Reiko Souma .def. Haru 5 4 8
2020-10-10 DUEL Bot Morgan LaFey .def. Mart 5 3.5 7
2020-10-10 DUEL Bot MC .def. Eregor 5.5 2 10