Fourth wrote:You know, this isn't the first time I've heard this from a new player, so I'd like some others to comment, maybe.
DoS is fine, it's a fun sport. But really, the intercession thing? I think it's a bad system. Why should I bother to challenge when, let's be real, I know someone's going to step in. To me, it can be great or it can be really, really lame. Sure, if there's an IC reason for someone to step in, that's great. But....I think it's a platform for other things. I know my stance is radical, but let me ask you this. Why does it exist in one sport, not the other two? Is it really called for? What purpose does it serve? I know it keeps me from challenging, because right now, there's no point. There would be an intercession within moments, so why bother? In that sense, it's keeping at least me from the sport. Does it keep anyone else from the sport? I'm just curious, so please feel free to comment.
So my question is this, really. What point does it serve and does it keep people from being interested in DoS or is it just me? New players, would you bother with a challenge knowing you'd have to fight an intercession? Or would that prevent you from challenging?
I, for one, am tired of the slow melding of the three sports into one with the rules changes being asked for to make them uniform. Each one should be unique in some manner and not pigeonholed into one set of rules. If we're going to take that route, why not have a single sport, same rules for all, have every night be Fight Night and let that be the standard of things?
It's not a bad system, it's a tradition that's been around for a couple of decades now. One of the points and perks of being a Loyal Baron to an Overlord is being able to request that intercession or to step in on the Overlord's behalf. Take away what makes Loyals different from Renegades and you might as well scrap the rules regarding them. Take away those rules, you might as well dump the Renegade alignment as well. Take away those and ... why exactly do we have Barons? They're an RP device, but in the rules they make decisions regarding challenges from time to time. Removing the perks is opening a door to less RP not more. If the perks are gone, what would be the point of Barons anymore other than a title stuck on the standings?
Just because you or your character isn't privy to the reasons for an intercession doesn't mean they don't exist.
Jake covered the history behind it.
Kalamere wrote:Unlike Fists and Magic, the challenge system is designed to make results important to more than just the 2 people fighting for the title. Each title change is potentially meaningful, giving the Overlord more or less power; possibly giving the challenger's champion a title or at least a quick shot at one, etc. There are a lot of possibilities in the way things unfold.
In the last couple years I've think I've grown to like the game play of DoF more than DoS. Once I finally got around to understanding the matrix, I just like the way the duels play out more. Also, the Opals are interesting and open up a nice avenue for individual story telling. When it comes to the challenge system though, its just an entirely different animal. DoF challenges are almost always a one on one affair with no ramifications felt outside the individual challenge. Now and then somebody goes out of their way to write a bit of SL that makes their winning/losing of an opal important, but that's fairly rare and it takes a good deal of effort.
Every challenge in DoS has the potential to involve 4 people though and many can impact the other title holders as well, or others hoping to go after titles soon. Unaffiliated characters can often find themselves more interested in the outcome more quickly than if it's just a matter of me going for another opal to add to my collection.
Each has their place. I'd no sooner see DoF's opal system change than I would the DoS system. I personally find the DoS system a much more compelling avenue for driving community story telling though, whereas I think the others are more about individual accomplishment.
Kal, as usual, is eloquent in his explanations.
We saw a good example of the Overlord gaining power when Ellisa Morgan was Overlord. The rule regarding the need to gain a Renegade's permission to challenge is rarely implemented, but we saw it during her reign.
Apple wrote:
"But really, the intercession thing? I think it's a bad system."
An opinion. But not downright saying it should be done away with.
"I know my stance is radical, but let me ask you this. Why does it exist in one sport, not the other two? Is it really called for? What purpose does it serve?"
"In that sense, it's keeping at least me from the sport. Does it keep anyone else from the sport? I'm just curious, so please feel free to comment."
Follows into the true question / intent of the thread. All points lead up to the main topic. How newer players felt about the situation.
I believe some players are simply making their opinions known on why they believe removing it is a bad idea, nothing more, nothing less. Why is it in one sport and not the others? Maybe the better question is ... why do some people prefer to have the same rules across the board? To my knowledge, no one ever said that gaining rank and titles was supposed to be easy.
When I started out, I was not intimidated by the sport nor its rules. In fact, I looked forward to being good enough to have a character win a title. Eventually, I did. I was, however, somewhat intimidated by well established players that knew the ropes and that it was more that "just a sporting event." When it becomes more about numbers than anything else, the game, and that's what this is supposed to be, loses part of its heart and soul.
Shadowlord wrote:Kalamere wrote:We're also only looking at one side of the coin. The balance to the OL's right to intercede is the renegade's right to step in on it. I do not believe 1 should be modified without the other.
This point stands out to me as of particular validity. How do you justify reducing the OL's influence/power and not doing the same to the Renegades? Which then begs the question, how do you effectively balance these opposing factors in a new system?
I like Intercession rules, personally. In the end, for me, they add a level of complexity I enjoy without forcing a best of three (being forced into which I don't like, in the other sports). When one is able to, through personal effort or effective politicking, get past the intercession and win, it generally adds to the sense of accomplishment thereby gained.
I do understand how it can be discouraging to some newer players, but simply because something is more difficult does not make it wrong or broken, necessarily.
As I wrote earlier in my own post (I'm reading the thread as I write) remove the perks of one, you might as well dump the other.
Shadowlord wrote:Now, if such a thing is going to drive a player away, I think that's a shame, but it's also a shame to fall into the trap of instant gratification.
Unfortunately, advances in technology have caused that mindset. People want things ten minutes ago. That's not how things always work. The lack of patience and rushing to the finish line is a whole other subject.