Notes from the Isle

May 29th - June 4th

-Week 1 of 9-

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The first week of this new cycle has come and gone, but not without Archmage Ebon squeezing out another defense of the top tile on the Isle. Last Thursday Night was when he and Droet fought things out in ring Olympus and their match (as well as those hot and tasty pizzas from Nicole’s Bistro) brought out the spectators in droves! Each caster won a match before they pushed it to a third and Ebon inched out ahead after a sudden death score! Congratulations Ebon on your second defense of the title! Great try there Droet, we can’t wait to see what you do next on the Isle!

Don’t forget to sign up for the Summer All Ranks Tournament! It’ll be happening next Sunday, June 12th at 8 PM EST and while the menu hasn’t been announced just yet, its sure to hit the spot for casters and spectators alike! What prize has your attention the most? Will the baby phoenix chick go first or maybe the beautifully crafted wand?

Sounds like a new up and coming caster, Lillian is looking for some guidance and she’s posted up a notice on the cork! This is a reminder to any and all Mages, that you are eligible to name a neophyte and assist in a new caster’s rise of skill and knowledge! Be sure to send us a note to the office if you’d like to help Lillian, or if there’s another caster on our standings that you’d like to guide.

Note: Kira Adia won the Elemental Fury Familiar on 03/13/2022 in the Spring All Ranks tournament. This awards the usage of Elemental Fury in regulation matches until the next All Ranks tournament.

NEWS FROM OTHER VENUES: In the Arena, Droet defends Seaside. Pearl was asked to test, or intercede? – could just be an issue of semantics there, but she fought Anubis and who won and then continued to fight the baron in the following match! Droet bested Anubis 5 to 3 and continues his reign at Seaside and gets to keep enjoying the beach life! Anya has challenged Mira for Dockside, since that’s where she says she spends a lot of her time! Is the Slayer a pirate? Did she hear about the hot tub that was in the Dockside warehouse? Mira, is the hot tub still there? Mira’s excited to make this a spectacle, so keep your eyes peeled for more information on this upcoming challenge! Schools might be letting out for the summer, but if you want to hone your skills in weapon smithing, then I’ve got some great news for you! The Baron at Battlefield Park, Hye-jin Ri is hosting some FREE weapon smithing classes at Battlefield Park, so now is the time to keep your skills sharp!

In the Outback, last night was the PathFinder challenge between Opal Holder Salvador and challenger Stitch! There were a couple of ties, one being a sudden death and it was Salvador’s victory in the end for two straight matches! Nikky, the cape sundew sure gave Stitch a lot to handle in the rings as they were slugging it out! A fun match to see and we look forward to the possibility of more slug matches in the future! Congratulations on your defense Salvador and we hope to see you back out there for more Stitch! But that’s not all for Opal Challenges! Tomorrow night is the challenge for IceDancer! Will Jaycy freeze Droet out of getting his hands on another opal? Will the Seaside Baron get his hands on “the Beer Cooler”? Pop out over to the Outback on Monday night at 9 PM EST and see how this shakes out!

DEBUTS: Welcome Lillian Whitefield, Serenity Silverhand, and Pythia!

ADVANCEMENTS: Lillian Whitefield advances to Enchanter!

THE RING OF KLYTUS: The holder for this cycle is VACANT! The ring grants an additional focus over the normally allotted amount, but is still limited to the maximum of 3 foci.

General Info: If you find a mistake in these standings, to select a spell upon reaching Mage, or to request reinstatement, please send a message to the DoM Standings Keeper, Max Lager. Or you may contact the DoM coordinators, Gatito via PM on the forums.

The histories of our mystical bloodsport are chronicled at this address: (DoM Histories) Someday, you may be in these histories too! If you want to know how to get started, or what the rules for the ranks are, go here: (Game Guide) (Rules of Rank) To discuss with the Duel of Magic community, or with the entire dueling community at large, go to the corkboards, located here: (Forums)

Not listed in the current standings, but sure that you have a past record? Find your listing on the Old League of Duelists table and duel at your old rank. Just make sure you tell your opponent before the duel begins.

Current Standings Cycle Rankings

Keepers of the Isle

Celestial Keeper / ArchmageEbon IlnarenGained: 2022-01-25Defended: 2022-06-02 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of AirEregorGained: 2021-12-29Defended: 2022-05-28 # Defenses: 3
Keeper of EarthSal DelahadaGained: 2022-01-27Defended: 2022-04-17 # Defenses: 2
Keeper of FireRachael BlackthorneGained: 2021-03-14Defended: 2022-03-09 # Defenses: 7
Keeper of WaterJackson NGained: 2022-02-04Defended: 2022-04-01 # Defenses: 1
Titles in italics, above, indicate towers under challenge.
Entries in bolded purple, below, denote Keeper of Twilight Isle.
Name ForumName W L T Spells Last Dueled


[ 3 Foci ]

Ebon Ilnaren 27 0 0NR, IM, EF2022-05-12

~=Mage Emeritus=~

[ 3 Foci ]

Eden Parker 85 0 0NR or IM2022-05-17
Jesse Spell27 0 0NR or IM2022-06-01
Rachael Blackthorne 163 0 0NR or IM, EF2022-05-30
Xanth Van Bokkelen XanthVanBokkelen81 0 0NR or IM2022-03-12


[ 3 Foci ]

Amaris 15 0 0IM2022-03-05
Anya de la Rose 23 0 0IM2022-05-16
Droet Droet the Bold32 0 0IM2022-05-30
Ellie Luisante 60 0 0IM2022-05-24
Eregor 70 0 0NR, EF2022-05-23
Gatito Partly Cloudy17 0 0NR2022-05-20
Haru Jeong 61 0 0NR2022-02-22
Jackson N Jackson54 0 0IM, EF2022-05-30
Kira Adia 25 0 0NR2022-05-28
Mairead Harker 81 0 0NR2022-04-29
Michelle Montoya 41 0 0IM2022-01-31
Mira Burke 35 0 0NR2022-05-30
Morgan LaFey 59 0 0NR2022-04-22
Neo Eternity 135 0 0IM2022-04-22
Rhiannon Brock 15 0 0NR2022-03-14
Sal Delahada Delahada18 0 0IM, EF2022-05-30
Sheridan Driscol BardGallant24 0 0NR2022-05-11
Szuzak Mos 40 0 0IM2022-02-15
Tasslehofl Momus 53 0 0NR2022-04-28


[ 3 Foci ]

Doran Ilnaren 12 0 02022-02-19
Mew 14 0 02022-02-03
Rhys Germain 12 0 02022-05-11


[ 2 Foci ]

Ettyn de la Rose Death Knell5 0 02022-05-17
Jia Adia [ Mentor: Mairead Harker ]Jia6 0 02022-03-09
Pearl Fand Winter Pearl6 0 02022-05-23
Uriah [ Mentor: Morgan LaFey ]Shinou Linage5 0 02022-05-12


[ 1 Focus ]

Airtia Shadoan [ Mentor: Jackson N ]4 0 02022-03-01
Helea Alwin 4 0 02022-02-04
Lillian Whitefield 2 0 02022-06-04
Subin Song 2 0 02022-03-13


[ 0 Foci ]

Autumn A Ripple in Time0 0 02022-04-22
Bordeaux 1 0 02022-01-31
Desdenova Von Tombs Desdenova VonTombs0 0 02022-03-28
Mizuki Tranquil Sea0 0 02022-02-01
Nero Zhir [ Mentor: Anya de la Rose ]0 0 02022-05-16
Nikolai Aristotle Vevea-Allen Nikolai Allen0 0 02022-02-11
Prometheus 0 0 02022-02-18
Pythia 1 0 02022-06-03
Robert Infinity 1 0 02022-06-04
Serenity Silverhand [ Mentor: Kira Adia ]0 0 02022-05-30
Svengalia Loutkar Svengalia1 0 02022-01-31

(ForumName above listed only when different from Character Name. ForumName in [brackets] is an RDI name and listed only when no RoH name is known.)

Cycle Ranks Through Week 1

Cycle rankings show how duelists perform over the course of the cycle, with the top performer earning the Ring of Klytus (provided they began the cycle below the rank of Mage). To balance percentage performance duelists are broken into 3 brackets based on number of duels fought, with top accolades achievable by only those in the upper tier. Duelists are ordered first by bracket, then by winning percentage, followed by the number of wins and lastly by low rank to high.

(click column headers to sort the table.)

Bracket 1: 8+ duels   |   Bracket 2: 4-7 duels   |   Bracket 3: 1-3 duels
Name Record Win % Bracket
Mira Burke 01-00-00100% 3
Sal Delahada 01-00-00100% 3
Jackson N 01-00-00100% 3
Jesse 01-00-00100% 3
Pythia 01-00-00100% 3
Lillian Whitefield 02-01-0066.67% 3
Droet 00-01-000% 3
Serenity Silverhand 00-01-000% 3
Rachael Blackthorne 00-01-000% 3
Robert Infinity 00-03-000% 3

Duels fought for Week 1

Date Caller Duelist 1 Result Duelist 2 Score1 Score2 Rounds
2022-05-30 Duel Bot Lillian Whitefield .def. Droet the Bold 5 3.5 8
2022-05-30 Duel Bot Mira Burke .def. Serenity Silverhand 5 2 13
2022-05-30 Duel Bot Delahada .def. Rachael Blackthorne 6 5 14
2022-05-30 Duel Bot Jackson .def. Lillian Whitefield 5.5 3 9
2022-06-01 Duel Bot Spell .def. Robert Infinity 5 1.5 8
2022-06-03 Duel Bot Pythia .def. Robert Infinity 5 3 11
2022-06-04 Duel Bot Lillian Whitefield .def. Robert Infinity 5 3 7