Faltering Thoughts

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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Steven Barbarossa
Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:08 pm
Location: Twilight Isle

Faltering Thoughts

Post by Steven Barbarossa »

Steven sat upon one of the beaches that outlined Twilight Isle. He glared at the Tower of Water for hours – not blinking. “With his successful defense he now knows my secret. Only time will tell what he will force upon me,” Steven spoke softly, slowly running his hands through the white sand.

“But, I trust Cory… he has proven himself by defending his title. It is time you take a back seat, Steven. Let Cory take full control of the element you have become. You have sat upon this Isle for months guarding it. You have taken over the responsibilities of the Keepers. It is not your place.”

Not my place…
- Steven Barbarossa
Retired Warlord

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