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BACKGROUND — United Intergalactic Council (UIC)

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2024 1:06 am
by Xenaria Sovrellan
United Intergalactic Council (UIC) Members
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Councilor Raal (Chairman of the UIC): Councilor Raal is the representative of the Sytherian Alliance, a race known for its intellectual superiority and unyielding diplomacy. As the chairman of the UIC, he presides over council meetings with a stern, calculated demeanor, ensuring that all voices are heard, though he often prioritizes the more "civilized" worlds over those he deems less advanced. His rulings are typically based on long-term diplomatic outcomes rather than immediate military or economic solutions.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Raal displays the usual arrogance of the Sytherian Alliance. His decisions are calculated, yet inefficient in the context of resource extraction or immediate survival needs. His preference for diplomacy over military action demonstrates a lack of understanding of pragmatic solutions. He views military intervention as a last resort, which makes him a hindrance in situations requiring decisive action."
Councilor Linara (Diplomatic Representative of the Faean Coalition): Councilor Linara hails from the Faean Coalition, a federation of peaceful worlds deeply committed to diplomacy, ecology, and maintaining harmony within the galaxy. Linara is known for her empathy and ability to mediate conflicts, often favoring non-violent resolutions. She is a staunch opponent of militarism, consistently advocating for peaceful alternatives to any form of conflict.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Linara is fundamentally opposed to anything resembling conflict. Her idealism blinds her to the necessity of military force in resource-scarce situations. Her methods, while calming to weaker species, are inefficient and incompatible with the Synthelex Republic’s needs. I do not believe she has the capacity to make decisions grounded in reality."
Councilor Varak (Representative of the Draxian Empire): Councilor Varak represents the Draxian Empire, a militaristic species known for their strict adherence to hierarchy and power. Varak is gruff, direct, and often advocates for solutions that involve strength and decisive military action. He views conflict as an essential aspect of progress and is less concerned with collateral damage than with achieving victory.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Varak is among the few on the UIC who understands the necessity of power. His direct approach to conflict is commendable, though occasionally reckless. He sees the potential value in aggressive extraction methods, but his tendency to ignore long-term consequences is a liability. He is a useful ally, though unpredictable."
Councilor T'Ruun (Representative of the Oor’Dakai Unity): Councilor T'Ruun comes from the Oor'Dakai Unity, a species of highly advanced, technology-focused beings. T'Ruun emphasizes the importance of technological solutions to galactic issues, often proposing innovations to solve resource shortages or infrastructure problems. He sees warfare as a failure of diplomacy and technology, believing that superior tech should always be the first line of defense.
  • Xenaria's Report: "T'Ruun’s reliance on technological superiority mirrors the Synthelex’s own methods. However, his dismissal of military intervention is short-sighted. There are situations where technology alone cannot secure resources. His contributions to technological advancement are of some use, but his hesitation in recognizing the inevitability of conflict is his greatest flaw."
Councilor Valen (Diplomatic Envoy of the Veran Commonwealth): Councilor Valen represents the Veran Commonwealth, a utopian society focused on equality and shared resources. Valen is a staunch advocate for cooperation between species and believes in equitable distribution of resources. He frequently opposes any actions that favor one species or entity over another, particularly when those actions involve force or coercion.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Councilor Valen is idealistic to a fault. His belief in 'equitable distribution' is absurd in a galaxy where survival is often determined by power. His opposition to forceful extraction makes him an obstacle to the Republic’s objectives. His views are incompatible with the reality of resource scarcity."
Councilor Ilyra (Representative of the Elunari Syndicate): Councilor Ilyra is from the Elunari Syndicate, a loosely organized faction of traders, diplomats, and mercenaries. Her approach is pragmatic, often driven by economics and the potential for profit. She is known for being willing to negotiate with almost any party if the terms are right, but she is also not above using force if negotiations fail.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Ilyra is pragmatic and understands the value of efficiency. Her willingness to use force when necessary aligns her more with the Republic’s objectives than most of the UIC. However, her focus on economic gain can lead to unnecessary delays in action. She is useful, but her priorities are misaligned with the Republic’s mission of survival."
Councilor Xarn (Envoy of the Korali Ascendancy): Councilor Xarn represents the Korali Ascendancy, a reclusive race of psionically-gifted beings. Xarn speaks rarely in council meetings, preferring to observe and interject only when he sees inefficiencies. His people rely on mental powers over technology or military force, and he often brings a cryptic, almost philosophical perspective to discussions.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Xarn is an enigma, but his lack of direct action renders him irrelevant in most discussions. His cryptic nature and reliance on psionics over material solutions make him inefficient. He is unlikely to offer any direct resistance, but neither is he useful in advancing the Republic’s goals."
Councilor Kiraal (Ambassador of the Threx Dominion): Councilor Kiraal is the voice of the Threx Dominion, a species known for their focus on colonization and expansion. Kiraal is a skilled diplomat but believes in the dominance of stronger species over weaker ones, advocating for aggressive resource expansion when necessary.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Kiraal’s mindset aligns closely with that of the Republic. He values strength and understands the importance of securing resources by force when necessary. He is a potential ally, though his diplomatic façade often delays necessary action."
Councilor Mevrik (Representative of the Zyelian Union): Councilor Mevrik comes from the Zyelian Union, a collective of species focused on scientific research and exploration. Mevrik often advocates for non-invasive research and discovery, promoting the idea of gathering knowledge before acting. He is cautious and seeks to avoid conflict wherever possible.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Mevrik’s approach is overly cautious and inefficient. His preference for research over decisive action wastes time and resources. The Republic has no use for scientific posturing when survival is at stake. He is a liability in situations requiring immediate resolution."
Councilor Shaya (Delegate of the Galthis Combine): Councilor Shaya represents the Galthis Combine, a technocratic and corporate-led society. She is focused on profit-driven solutions and often sees galactic conflicts as opportunities for economic expansion. Her decisions are influenced heavily by potential gains in technology and trade.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Shaya’s focus on profit above all else creates unnecessary delays and inefficiencies. She has potential value in providing resources for the Republic’s military efforts, but her economic mindset often clouds her ability to make swift, tactical decisions."
Councilor Rel'Kosh (Envoy of the Xen’tari Dominion): Councilor Rel'Kosh hails from the Xen’tari Dominion, a species known for their rigid caste system and focus on tradition. He is a staunch traditionalist, often opposing any form of aggressive expansion unless it aligns with the customs of his people.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Rel'Kosh’s adherence to tradition is a significant obstacle to progress. His reluctance to engage in aggressive expansion unless it aligns with outdated customs slows the efficiency of any operation. His rigid mindset makes him unreliable in situations requiring immediate action and adaptability."
Councilor Zyyra (Diplomatic Representative of the Lyran Collective): Councilor Zyyra represents the Lyran Collective, a race of hive-minded beings who prioritize collective decision-making and unity above all else. Zyyra advocates for consensus and harmony within the council, often working to mediate disputes and encourage cooperation, even in situations where conflict is inevitable.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Zyyra’s obsession with unity and collective decision-making is inefficient and unrealistic. Her focus on mediation in situations that require direct action weakens the Republic’s ability to achieve its objectives. She is a pacifist by nature, which makes her a hindrance when force is necessary."
Councilor Taranis (Delegate of the Kryllian Confederacy): Councilor Taranis is the representative of the Kryllian Confederacy, a race of nomadic warriors with a strong sense of honor and martial prowess. Taranis is often in favor of military solutions but within a strict code of conduct, which sometimes limits his willingness to embrace total warfare. He values victory but is unwilling to sacrifice his people’s sense of honor for it.
  • Xenaria's Report: "Taranis values strength, which is commendable, but his obsession with honor is a weakness. His refusal to fully embrace the pragmatic necessity of total warfare hinders his effectiveness. While he can be useful in direct combat situations, his moral limitations make him unreliable for resource extraction operations where efficiency must take precedence over ethical concerns."
United Intergalactic Council (UIC) Exclusion of the Synthelex Republic
Reason for Exclusion: The Synthelex Republic does not hold a seat on the United Intergalactic Council (UIC) due to the council’s stance on the Synthelex Republic’s aggressive resource extraction policies and militaristic approach to galactic relations. The UIC views the Republic’s actions, particularly its use of the Corebuster and other invasive extraction methods, as a violation of intergalactic law. The Republic’s refusal to comply with sanctions, as well as its repeated disregard for non-aggressive diplomatic solutions, has solidified the UIC’s decision to exclude the Synthelex from having any formal representation within their governing body.

Details: The Synthelex Republic’s actions on several worlds, including the infamous incident on VX-132, have been labeled as war crimes by the UIC. The Republic’s leadership, while offering minimal concessions in diplomatic arenas, continues to prioritize survival and resource acquisition over compliance with UIC mandates. This has led to widespread sanctions against the Republic, with many council members expressing deep concern over the potential destabilization of the galactic order if the Synthelex were granted a seat on the council. The UIC believes that granting the Republic formal influence would legitimize their practices and encourage further aggressive actions.

Conclusion: Due to its policies and military-driven approach, the Synthelex Republic remains isolated from the formal governance of the UIC. The council maintains that the Republic’s actions are incompatible with the principles of diplomacy, equality, and peaceful cohabitation that the UIC was founded upon.
  • Xenaria's Report: "The exclusion of the Synthelex Republic from the UIC is a reflection of the council's inefficiency and misguided priorities. Their reliance on outdated diplomatic principles fails to address the reality of resource scarcity. The UIC’s decision to sanction and exclude the Republic only serves to weaken their own standing and prolong conflicts that could be resolved swiftly through calculated force. Granting the Republic a seat would offer them access to a real solution—survival through strength. Their refusal is illogical, driven by their own fear of efficient practices. Ultimately, the council’s moral posturing is irrelevant to the Republic’s survival objectives, and their exclusion of us only delays the inevitable."