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A New Start...

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:43 pm
by Caleb Feren
A New Start…

Caleb had headed out early for the contract with Battlefield Park. It wasn't that he had wanted to leave her any sooner than he had to, but he felt he needed to get both get her something, and.. well, get something for her.

Go on, I'll be alright, Karma had told him when he left. Difficult affirmations, all things considered. He had seemed loath to leave her for any length of time since they had been reunited in the Rift and truthfully, she hadn't been much keen on it herself. But this was important, a contract was a contract, and she would be just fine for the handful of hours he would be away.

After the match had ended, Caleb had quickly come back to her. Several lights were on, more than were necessary really, but it had become a trend since her return. As he made his way the entry, he opened and stepped through the doors to the ranch house. While he had gifted this place to her, he had found that he was spending more time here than in the random places he had holed up in in town. As the door was shut, he turned and reached into the inner lining of the duster and withdrew two things. First, a book that he hoped she would enjoy. It was old. Really old. Even he knew that, despite the cost of it. The second was a small wooden box. He laid those two things down on the corner table then shrugged off duster and laid it over the arm chair that was there near the entrance. As he began to move deeper into the house, he picked up the two items and went to find her.

A fast-growing little raccoon poked his head out from one of the rooms down the hall from the entryway and skittered out to greet him. There was an actual smile that cracked his lips as he watched the raccoon run up to him. That smile was becoming more and more present, these past few days. He bent down and with the free hand, lifted the creature up. The room from which the raccoon had popped out was also illuminated. It wasn't one of the libraries surprisingly, but rather a comfortable sitting room where she was most definitely curled up in a plush chair in a comfy oversized hoodie and yoga pants.

"Taking good care of her or causing her headaches?" His voice was soft as he looked to the creature as he began that trek towards the room Bandit had come from. As he turned the corner to the room, he leaned a moment there in the door way as he watched her.

The raccoon squeaked out some sort of answer, who knew what it was actually saying. But probably 'both'. They were the good kinds of headaches though, so Karma didn't mind too much. She heard footsteps but didn't look up immediately until she knew he was there. Settled onto one knee she had a leather-bound journal in which she was scribbling something or another. At the end of the most recent sentence, she set her pen into the notebook and closed it, looking up to meet that smile of his.

"Hey, how'd it go? I had it on TV but when Anubis didn't show up on time, I got bored and turned it off." She said with a little grin.

He chuckled as he pushed off the frame and moved further in, leaning over to set Bandit down as he did. As soon as Bandit was down, he was off like a shot, scampering up the arm of the chair and onto the back of it. "He showed about ten minutes after. Didn't win." Of course, he shrugged at that. The contract wasn't about winning, as some others had been in the past.

"Not a surprise there. I figured Matt would test."

When he neared the chair, he leaned over and set a kiss to her before settling on the arm next to her. Bandit had definitely beat Caleb there and was peeking over her shoulder when the assassin leaned in to kiss her. Thankfully he left plenty of room for Caleb there on the arm and the armchair was sturdy enough that it didn't so much as groan when he settled.

"Jaycy was there. Paid my debt to her. Still have one or two to settle with, but that will come."

Her brows lifted a bit when he mentioned Jaycy. "I still need to write her a thank you note. The rest of them too. I'd write you one, but well, you know."

"I'm the one who owes you." And with those words, he shifted the book and box from his off hand to the one closest to her and offered them to her. The book was a first edition, leather bound, signed copy of William Goldman's Princess Bride. The box? Well.. it was something he had taken from her and now returned, even if it was against his better judgement.

"Hardly." She scoffed but looked when he offered both the book and the box, she took them from him with a pleased little sound. Books were always a quick way into her heart. It was the first she examined, turning it over carefully in her hands. One finger slid down the spine of the book with a little hum. It hadn't even been cracked. After a moment she brought it up to her nose for a little sniff, her smile growing. Leather and paper, perfection. "I actually don't have this one yet." She told him with a nod, setting it on her lap over top of her journal.

The box was next for examination. She had a subtle feeling as to what it was, though the memories of that night were a distant haze like a dream slipping from your memory the moment you wake. There was at least one reminder of it with the splint around her left wrist but it would soon be gone too since it seemed to be healing quickly after it had been reset properly. Fingers pried the lid from the box to find the pointed red stone within. A soft exhale issued as she looked up at him. "I, um... thank you... I'm glad you took it away." Even if she had said some pretty awful shit when he did.

"You know my feelings towards those things." His voice wasn't accusatory. In fact, it wasn't anything, other than conversational. "But whatever happens, I will always be your shield." With that, his voice was firm, and laced with love as he watched her.

"I know." She nodded solemnly, closing the lid over the stone. While she had questions for the red rock, now was not the time for it. With the lid closed, she looked back up at him. "You're more than that, you know that right?"

Caleb sat there a long moment, and though over her question. It had been a long time since he had been something to someone. A shield at times, a blade others, and too often the last one that was with them. But for her. He was so much more. Shield and Blade, yes, but... more. He knew what she was to him. She had brought him out of darkness and into the light, her light. And that light he would forever fight for because, well, he loved her. But what he was to her?

He looked to her and smiled. "I have guesses, and hopes.. "

"Yeah? And what are your guesses?" Karma asked first. The box was set atop the two books and the whole trio was set on the opposite arm of the couch. Her right hand slipped into his, curling her fingers against his palm. "Or would you rather I tell you?"

He curled his fingers into and around hers. His gaze traveled first to their hands, then upward to her eyes. His smile grew just a fraction. "I hope you know that I will always be at your side, through all things that come our way. I hope that you know that if I stand in front of you, it will only to shield you from the things that are charging so that you can destroy them. I will always stand behind you, to support you in all that you do, or want to do. But I will always be at your side. Together with you. Even if it means to hell with the world."

That smile weakened, just a little, even as Karma’s splinted hand settled over the top of the joining of their fingers, her smile soft, fond. Here he was spilling some of the hopes he held, and still he worried about how she would see him. "What would you say?"

"I'd say... that you're one of my closest friends and confidants. That you're the first person I go to when I have good news and the first person I seek out when I need advice, with sparing exceptions…" they both knew what she was talking about, "I've never really felt a need for a shield. I was always taught to stand on my own two feet. But here you are, doing it not because I need it or because I asked but because you want to."

Her fingers tightened on his slightly. "I'd say, move in here... call this place your home? Because until then, it's just a house. My home is with my heart, and that is with you. That's what I'd say. You're more than a shield, you carry my heart with you."

Caleb sat still as a statue as listed while she spoke. He listed as she asked him to stay. He felt his heart actually start to move. It had been a long time since he had allowed it to. Even in the past few months, he still held it at arm’s length, fearing something would happen (which it almost did!) or that she would tire of him. But here she was, asking him to move in with her... to be with her. And his heart gave a hard beat.

"You are one of the strongest people I have met. I know you don't need me. I know that.. I do. But..." He wasn't sure he had the words, or could find them. He just shook his head as he tried, but couldn't. "I didn't want to presume, and I didn't want to intrude. I gave you this place because I wanted to you have a place that is yours. Do you really want me? Here?" He couldn't help it. He had to make sure.

"Caleb." She said his name softly, affectionately. "Not needing your protection does not equate to not needing you. So let's throw that notion out the damn window and get that clear, mmkay?" Her smile was slightly teasing but it was plain to tell that she was dead serious. "But yes. I want you. I want you here. With me. And Bandit." Who was still peeking over her shoulder watching the two like they were an enthralling show. "I honestly thought you would when you bought the place, but you're... you're careful. And it's something I appreciate but you don't have to be careful. Not with me."

Caleb nodded, and finally let himself breath. "You realize you're going to be stuck with me, right?" He gave her that half-grin of his.

With his words, she slumped back against the chair, the back of one hand flopped against her forehead dramatically. "Oh no. Please. Not that. How terrible." Deadpanned, perfectly so.

After a moment, she sat back up and fixed him with a sure smile. "Look, I'm really bad at this whole..." she gestured vaguely "thing. I've never been good at it. But we'll figure it out, yeah? So if there's something you need or want, just gotta say it and if I can make it happen, I will, okay? Don't gotta keep it all to yourself endlessly, silly."

Caleb nodded and smiled. "We will. Together." He had said it to her before, but it was nice to hear her say it.

"So it's settled." Karma said with finality, letting his hand go and popping to her feet. "You hungry? I'm hungry. Let's go grab a bite and I'll find a good place for my new book." And with that, she was already on her way out. She knew he'd follow.