Retiring PathFinder

The happenings and goings-on out back in the home of the Duel of Fists.

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Bailey Raptis
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Retiring PathFinder

Post by Bailey Raptis »

Dear Duel of Fists Coordinators,

After some lengthy deliberation and consideration, PathFinder and I have come to an accord. At this time, I have learned all that I can learn from them, due to a series of circumstances beyond my control. Thus, we have come to a mutual agreement that I will relinquish my claim to hold PathFinder, effective immediately. I have sent a lead-lined box with the Opal contained within for you to dispense with as you see fit.

It has been an honor and a privilege to fight for PathFinder and to defend my right to hold them, and if circumstances change, both for myself and for PathFinder, I will not hesitate to attempt to hold them once more, but for now, I must bid them adieu, with nothing but fondness and appreciation for all that PathFinder has done for me.


Bailey Raptis
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