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Announcing The Rathskeller Inn

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:11 pm
by Sylista Ravenwood
Sylista Shadowsoul would like to formally announce the construction of The Rathskeller Inn in the Seaside District thanks to the generous partnership with the Matadero Meat Company. The location is being renovated and should be ready by Spring 2021.
The hotel will feature fourteen suites and a large tavern-style common room. Included in your stay: free WiFi, continental breakfast, and parking. You will also have unlimited access to the fitness room, pool, and hot tub. Dining in the common room not really your style? Kalan Bistro will be open during breakfast and dinner hours with a quieter atmosphere.

We look forward to your stay at The Rathskeller Inn. See you soon!

Announcing The Rathskeller Inn

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:20 pm
by Sylista Ravenwood
The Rathskeller Inn was in a unique location where the seven windows with fancy balconies overlook the beach. The seven on the other side of the building look out to an impressive garden in the spring when the landscapers finish the space. There is a single, impressive-sized balcony on the western side of the building with a window with reflective glass overlooking the ocean. In the back, there are two, a single one that contained the same reflective glass and a second that led into the administrative office.

When guests arrive, the front desk staff is seated directly ahead greets them. On the right, an entertainment area with a bar and tables, the garden where they can find the bistro, and the guest suites. Finally, on the left, a door labelled “OFFICE” and another unlabelled door with similar security. The decorations were a tasteful combination of older and modern styles, and evenly spaced runes covered the pillars to protect the space from any elemental damage.

Welcome to The Rathskeller Inn. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Announcing The Rathskeller Inn

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:28 pm
by Sylista Ravenwood
It was a month earlier than expected, and yet everything structural was finished, the staff were all hired, and Salvador Delahada gave Sylista the best opportunity to host his guests and friends for Rekah's birthday! It would be a trial run as the Seaside Manor was large enough, Sylista understood that, yet it was the best chance she had to work out whatever issues might arise when the inn was officially open to the public.

Having hosted Salvador and gatito a few days prior and receiving an almost-smile of approval from the former regarding the building as a whole and his private suite, the new innkeeper looked around the building with a bright smile. The only part of Inisfallen she missed was in Rhy'din. She was home.