Beyond The White Tower: Tales of a Blue Ajah
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:14 am
There were many paths to RhyDin. The way they took was only one of them.
Some arrived by way of nothing more than some wizard's sneeze or wave of the hand. Others had the ability to have a foothold in multiple worlds at once by way of magic within them or some object they had in their possession. Others still leaned more towards fixed avenues of transport, be them amongst the clouds and stars, or through wrought portals and tunnels.
Some of those fixed, little-known avenues of travel were called Ways. Simple a name as any, but it had not been a simple task to create the Ways between that world and the one called RhyDin. Only one Portal Stone arch existed on RhyDin, closest to the heart of all of its lands at the place some simply called RhyDin City or RhyDin Proper. But even it was hidden amongst the thick trees of the northern woods and would be easily mistaken for part of the mountain if one did not know where to look for it exactly.
Others travelled through Ways that were more like tunnels veining through from one word to another. And, depending on the practitioner of that particular talent that the Ogier are known for, to end up in the destination one seeks.
Valucia Sabet, called by those who knew what she was as Valucia Sedai, had travelled to and from the vast lasts of the large world of RhyDin many times for almost a dozen years by most calendars. By foot, cart, and horseback she had traveled the Ways and through the Portal Stone archway.
It was always strange arriving to RhyDin by way of that particular arch since even in the pitch dark, they were able to put out their metal oil lamps and torch because the wall of shimmering light was something brilliant and remarkable to behold.
She rode atop her horse, looking as if she had just spent a twelve-month playing at Daes Dae'mar (The Great Game, or Game of Houses). It was certainly often not a pleasant 'game' and one that could easily cost a person their lands, holdings, coin, and status. But the sister of the Blue Ajah was not stranger to playing these dangerous fact-finding games, and her father's house was no small house. Others sought to have it, topple it, and more.
Aristocracy, she had been born into. A lady is very much how she had conducted herself on many an occasion that called for it. But in service of the White Tower of Tar Valon, she had known just as many days with her hand hands dirtied and blistered from work, or weary and bloodied from the battlefield.
As she lifted her gloved, right hand to shield her eyes a little from the brilliance of the portal's light, thankfully her lengthy, tapered kirtle sleeve helped with shadowing her face a bit from it. Finery, she wore, as they had just come from finer company that demanded such trappings. The weight of the layers was worn with gentle grace, as always. Blue, crushed velvet over sturdy layers. And over that, a travelling cloak of black and blue with the bold emblem of the flame near her left shoulder. It had been winter in Tar Valon with a foot of snow at level ground. It was yet to be seen what the weather held for them in RhyDin.
"Is the Way always this bright?" A young, male voice complained it.
Valucia turned her face, seemingly untouched by the decades of time and service, and smile a gentle, though weary smile towards the young man riding behind one of the Warders. She said nothing as a voice with gravelly tenor was heard, belonging to Nethon Koesan.
"The Way is dark. The exit from it is always this bright." A male voice shoved the words at him strongly enough to draw a worried glance at his mentor. "You will say nothing until spoken to, boy, or you'll find yourself unseated from your horse. Without warning." Nethon's look cut to the youth with the red hair who quickly found silence. When the Warder turned his gaze to the Aes Sedai, he bowed from his seat atop his mount. "My apologies, Valucia Sedai. The boy is still learning."
"No harm was done, Gaidin." Her smile was almost completely veiled with the cowl of her cloak up but not completely hiding her face. "We have all been new to a task at some point. And travel does bring out many questions for the asking."
Boots beneath her skirts gently pressed against the horse's sides and took up place behind the handful of other Warders and two sisters of the Blue that were in front of her. Each one breached that shimmering wall of light that was nearly blinding after the length of travel in darkness up until that point.
What met them on the other side was a peaceful, overgrown forest meeting the bottom of what appeared to be just more preface of the mountain range. The group, eleven of them in all, waiting a couple of moments for their eyes to adjust to what appeared to be the dawning light of day.
Valucia glanced around to look upon each of their faces, including the young man that had just had his scolding from his better, and gave a nod to all of them there. "Let us head for Bulwark's Cove, then. If we do not tarry, we will make it by darkfall." With that, she set off down an almost indiscernible trail that she knew well.
That she headed off alone had one of the Warders force his horse to quicken pace to catch up with her. That gaidin would not be allowing harm to come to her. It would not be something Valucia Sedai would miss or overlook.
There were many paths to RhyDin. The way they took was only one of them.
Some arrived by way of nothing more than some wizard's sneeze or wave of the hand. Others had the ability to have a foothold in multiple worlds at once by way of magic within them or some object they had in their possession. Others still leaned more towards fixed avenues of transport, be them amongst the clouds and stars, or through wrought portals and tunnels.
Some of those fixed, little-known avenues of travel were called Ways. Simple a name as any, but it had not been a simple task to create the Ways between that world and the one called RhyDin. Only one Portal Stone arch existed on RhyDin, closest to the heart of all of its lands at the place some simply called RhyDin City or RhyDin Proper. But even it was hidden amongst the thick trees of the northern woods and would be easily mistaken for part of the mountain if one did not know where to look for it exactly.
Others travelled through Ways that were more like tunnels veining through from one word to another. And, depending on the practitioner of that particular talent that the Ogier are known for, to end up in the destination one seeks.
Valucia Sabet, called by those who knew what she was as Valucia Sedai, had travelled to and from the vast lasts of the large world of RhyDin many times for almost a dozen years by most calendars. By foot, cart, and horseback she had traveled the Ways and through the Portal Stone archway.
It was always strange arriving to RhyDin by way of that particular arch since even in the pitch dark, they were able to put out their metal oil lamps and torch because the wall of shimmering light was something brilliant and remarkable to behold.
She rode atop her horse, looking as if she had just spent a twelve-month playing at Daes Dae'mar (The Great Game, or Game of Houses). It was certainly often not a pleasant 'game' and one that could easily cost a person their lands, holdings, coin, and status. But the sister of the Blue Ajah was not stranger to playing these dangerous fact-finding games, and her father's house was no small house. Others sought to have it, topple it, and more.
Aristocracy, she had been born into. A lady is very much how she had conducted herself on many an occasion that called for it. But in service of the White Tower of Tar Valon, she had known just as many days with her hand hands dirtied and blistered from work, or weary and bloodied from the battlefield.
As she lifted her gloved, right hand to shield her eyes a little from the brilliance of the portal's light, thankfully her lengthy, tapered kirtle sleeve helped with shadowing her face a bit from it. Finery, she wore, as they had just come from finer company that demanded such trappings. The weight of the layers was worn with gentle grace, as always. Blue, crushed velvet over sturdy layers. And over that, a travelling cloak of black and blue with the bold emblem of the flame near her left shoulder. It had been winter in Tar Valon with a foot of snow at level ground. It was yet to be seen what the weather held for them in RhyDin.
"Is the Way always this bright?" A young, male voice complained it.
Valucia turned her face, seemingly untouched by the decades of time and service, and smile a gentle, though weary smile towards the young man riding behind one of the Warders. She said nothing as a voice with gravelly tenor was heard, belonging to Nethon Koesan.
"The Way is dark. The exit from it is always this bright." A male voice shoved the words at him strongly enough to draw a worried glance at his mentor. "You will say nothing until spoken to, boy, or you'll find yourself unseated from your horse. Without warning." Nethon's look cut to the youth with the red hair who quickly found silence. When the Warder turned his gaze to the Aes Sedai, he bowed from his seat atop his mount. "My apologies, Valucia Sedai. The boy is still learning."
"No harm was done, Gaidin." Her smile was almost completely veiled with the cowl of her cloak up but not completely hiding her face. "We have all been new to a task at some point. And travel does bring out many questions for the asking."
Boots beneath her skirts gently pressed against the horse's sides and took up place behind the handful of other Warders and two sisters of the Blue that were in front of her. Each one breached that shimmering wall of light that was nearly blinding after the length of travel in darkness up until that point.
What met them on the other side was a peaceful, overgrown forest meeting the bottom of what appeared to be just more preface of the mountain range. The group, eleven of them in all, waiting a couple of moments for their eyes to adjust to what appeared to be the dawning light of day.
Valucia glanced around to look upon each of their faces, including the young man that had just had his scolding from his better, and gave a nod to all of them there. "Let us head for Bulwark's Cove, then. If we do not tarry, we will make it by darkfall." With that, she set off down an almost indiscernible trail that she knew well.
That she headed off alone had one of the Warders force his horse to quicken pace to catch up with her. That gaidin would not be allowing harm to come to her. It would not be something Valucia Sedai would miss or overlook.